Sunday, February 23, 2014


Icheoku lends support to the call and current arm-twisting by Western countries of United States of America and the United Kingdom to force Nigeria and other African countries to legitimize sodomy but with a proviso. Icheoku says a thinking diplomatic corp would have agreed on this demand provided there is a cultural reciprocity wherein Nigeria and other African countries will agree to trade a culture for a culture with this foreign countries - their alien culture for an indigenous one. Like with every diplomatic or ambassadorial exchanges, the Africans would agree to give one of their own culture to these white people and make it a condition concurrent to accepting theirs. 

For example, on their current demand that Nigeria become a member of the 'Union of Sodom and Gomorrah Countries', by legalizing gay marriage, the officials in Abuja would have demanded or at least asked United States and United Kingdom to legalize polygamy and polyandry in both their countries in exchange. This done, all the King Solomons of this world living in America and Britain, instead of their incessant divorces and keeping illegitimate mistresses all over the place, would have taken these extra women into concubinage. This way, they would help millions of unlucky women who could not find spouses due to acute scarcity of eligible suitors (since many of them are now GAY anyway), get somebody to snuggle with from time to time whenever scheduling conflict permits; and this will greatly bring peace on their earth? Once this happens, Icheoku will immediately take seven, one for each day of the week and thereby help with solving one of Western world's greatest problem of finding homes for stranded and straggled daughters of Eve roaming around and desperately searching for homes to wreck. 

Unfortunately, while these countries are strong-arming Nigeria and other African countries to legitimize a culturally abhorrent behavior, they are not interested in helping end the Boko Haram menace or feed the millions hungry and deprived or even establishing Trade Pacts with African countries to help grow their respective economies. 

Now talking about legitimizing gaydom in Africa, the United States has looked the other way while many of its own states including Oklahoma passed draconic laws completely outlawing gay marriage. But instead of championing this supposed human rights and ensuring its enforcement within its own territorial and geographical entity, they are busy insisting that Africans accept this their weird export to Africa, which is not only strange and abominable to Africans, but which behavior is even anti their bible teachings? And speaking of human rights, America is yet to address the imbalance of human rights in their country wherein women are still to date being paid less than men; black men are paid lesser than white men for the same job and with equal and same qualification; and where the proverbial justice that is allegedly blind sees colors of the skin and how rich one is?

Anyway, the problem with many African governments is that they are most times headed and their policies marshalled by people with very limited knowledge about events elsewhere to periodically give tactical responses to some of these international issues and armstronging. Also many of them are often very timid to look into the eyes of these holier than thou white people and tell them to shove it. Otherwise they could, in the words of Robert Mugabe, Icheoku paraphrasing, tell them, "white people and your gay culture, we do not hate you BUT we love our own culture!"

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