Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Icheoku says the reason given by the inept President Jonathan's government for bestowing honor, during the Nigerian Centenary celebration, on a decrepitude sub-human specimen called Sani Abacha, the midget of Kano State, is indeed very laughable. It is also as watery as it is without merit and defies every attempt at rationalization to say that simply because Abacha did "some good" and led Nigerians qualifies him as an eminent award recipient? Mussolini was a leader and he did some good for fascist Italy? Saddam Hussein was a leader and he did some good for the people of Iraq? Ghana's three former heads of state Acheampong, Afrifa and Akuffo, were once leaders and they also did some good for Ghana? Ditto Augusto Pinochet, Adolf Hitler as well as so many other world's ignoble persons who once led their nations and did some good for their people. These men shared one thing in common - they all met a very tragic end in the hands of their people, who they once led and did some good for, because of the greater infra-dignities they perpetrated on the same people. Icheoku says Sani Abacha belongs to this swine of humanity and deserves no less a fate instead of being elevated on a pedestal he did not deserve or merit. 

Icheoku therefore posits that were Nigeria a country that frowns at perfidy, a sadistic megalomania like Abacha, instead of being honored for "some good" he did while forcibly leading Nigerians against their will, should have elicited curses and condemnations for the hell he unleashed on Nigerians while his terror-infused regime lasted. But regrettably, President Goodluck Jonathan who has sold his soul to the devil and is now beholding to the Hausa/Fulani Northerners and carrying out their every wish, found it not too risky to honor one of North's most destitute gift to Nigeria. By this act of betrayal of bequeathing honor to an animal deserving of no such honor, President Jonathan has joined ranks with Muhammadu Buhari and Ibrahim Babangida, who while visiting the grave of Sani Abacha in Kano few years ago, described Abacaha as the best thing that ever happened to Nigeria and you wonder which planet these guys inhabit? Jonathan has sold out on Nigerians and is now one of them.

Icheoku says a man who wantonly shed so many Nigerians' blood deserves no honor by Nigeria, regardless of what he did or did not do. A man who stole to his heart's delight to the tune of several billions of dollars in addition to the latest over $400 million seized by the United States of America government cannot be said to be patriotic and loving of Nigeria and therefore is not deserving of any honor by Nigeria. How can any sane assessor consider a man with as heinous violations of human rights as Sani Abacha an appropriate candidate for any national honor including a Centenary award, especially when in addition to killing so many Nigerians, the bespectacled dictator also over-stole from Nigerians' national treasury. Further the same Sani Abacha was part of the Muhammadu Buhari 1983 military coup that toppled the first republic's democratically elected government of Shehu Shagari thereby truncating democracy. Yet a man who put such spanner in the works of a country trying to take off was honored for which "unity effort" one may ask? The same Sani Abacha muscled his way into Aso Rock, overthrowing Interim President Ernest Shonekan, thereby imposed himself on Nigerians regardless of Nigerians wishes, and unleashed the worst reign of terror ever witnessed in the history of the country short of the Biafran war; yet he is being honored for loving the country? 

Icheoku says this act of President Jonathan, honoring Sani Abacha, defies every logic and common sense justifying it and not even the extra-judicial murder of his kinsman Ken Saro-Wiwa was not enough to dissuade the president from this misdeed. Icheoku further says that any country which frowns at nasty or which has zero tolerance for bad behavior cannot and should have no business honoring a demented person like Sani Abacha and should have instead lampooned him on how not to be a leader. To this effect therefore, Icheoku joins Wole Soyinka and other few morality-driven Nigerians, who protested the charade that was Nigerian Centenary celebration of nothingness, to condemn the honor bestowed on Sani Abacha as well as on other coup plotters who truncated democracy in Nigeria, Ibrahim Babangida and Muhammadu Buharim; as undeserving, misplaced and a self-serving gesture geared at the 2015 presidential election, specifically targeting Kano State. Icheoku categorically states that such pandering is the reason why corruption and bad governance still persist in Nigeria because there is no consequence or shame for past misdeeds nor odium for former leaders who behaved badly or who gravely abused their office. So what deterrence exist for future prospective wanna-be Abachas, Babangidas or Buharis when these past humanoids are being bestowed with honors and you asks yourself whether the word "honor" has lost its meaning? What a shame!

FYI:- Icheoku hereunder reproduces Wole Soyinka's statement of rejection of what he described as "his share of this national insult" as follows:- 

“The sheer weight of indignation and revulsion of most of Nigerian humanity at the recent Boko Harma atrocity in Yobe is most likely to have overwhelmed a tiny footnote to that outrage, small indeed, but of an inversely proportionate significance. This was the name of the hospital to which the survivors of the massacre were taken. The name of that hospital, it is reported, is none other than that of General Sanni Abacha, a vicious usurper under whose authority many Nigerian lives were snuffed out.  Assassinations – including through bombs cynically ascribed to the opposition – became routine. Under that ruler, torture and other forms of barbarism were enthroned as the norm of governance; nine Nigerian citizens were hanged including writer and environmentalist Ken Saro-wiwa. By honoring the late soldier, Jonathan had scooped up a century’s accumulated degeneracy in one preeminent symbol, and placed it on a podium for the nation to admire, emulate and even – worship. Such abandonment of moral rigor comes full circle sooner or later. The survivors of a plague known as Boko Haram, students in a place of enlightenment and moral instruction, are taken to a place of healing dedicated to an individual contagion – a murderer and thief of no redeeming quality known as Sanni Abacha, one whose plunder is still being pursued all over the world and recovered piecemeal by international consortiums – at the behest of this same government which sees fit to place him on the nation’s Roll of Honour! I therefore refuse to partake and hereby reject my share of this national insult.” Icheoku says what a beautiful poetry from one of Nigeria's finest minds. Highly commendable.

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