Friday, March 7, 2014


Icheoku says the theme of the summit of the Angry Peoples Converge(APC) - a 'NEW party for a NEW Nigeria', would have been quite nice except that it is not true. There is nothing new about the coming together or merge of old parties as the 1914 amalgamation of Nigeria has thus far shown that mergers do not solve a thing. Old distrusts and parochial allegiances still persist and such do not help create the enabling environment for proper revolutionary trends to take root nor in any way do they help move the process forward. Those mundane things remain entrenched and constitute clog in the wheel of progress and therefore the APC will not bring any succor to a Nigeria in need or be the messiah Nigerians so desperately crave just because so many parties transformed into it. It factly does matters that Buhari, Tinubu and now Atiku are the faces of APC and these men's records do portend bad news for Nigeria. They collectively have been around and Nigerians know their resume` and what they are about; and teaching an old dog new trick is not usually an easy task nor would the leopard change its spots.

Evolution is not analogous to new? Morphing into different things does not change the primary physiology of the matter so displaying? Merger does not change form? Dressing up an old man in jeans and t-shirt and tennis shoes with a face cap to match does not make him a tenager once again? The ecdysis of the snake does not make it new? The changing color adaptation of a chameleon to an environment does not make it new? Pouring an old wine in a new skin does not remake the wine, it only affects its packaging?  So in essence what the APC is rather doing or trying to do or attempting to do is to confuse and fool unsuspecting Nigerians that Muhammadu Buhari has lost his draconian fangs; that Bola Tinubu has lost appetite for crass gluttony and unbridled greed: and that the fugitive on the run, Abubakar Atiku, has suddenly shed his toga as the MOST CORRUPT Nigerian public servant and that the United States is no longer looking to prosecute him, being an accomplice to a felony? 

Icheoku says Nigerians must be wary and remain extra vigilant of these men because they are desperate people. If a group of desperadoes are this hell bent on wrestling power that they would go to the extent of trying to conceal their true identities as the APC is seriously trying to do, then something must be wrong. Query:- why are these men so desperate? Why have they also totally excluded WOMEN from the party or is because of their ISLAMIC faith's complete disregard and lowly placement of women as mere footnotes of the society? Nigerians beware, the ultra fundamental Saudi Arabian brand of Islamism is headed to Nigeria in the unfortunate event the APC succeeds in bullshitting its way into Aso Rock. 

Lastly, Icheoku says it would seem that this gathering of Muslims and their "NEW NIGERIA" agenda excludes the region known as BIAFRAAAA and you ask yourself what is the game plan here; - have they decided to let Biafra go and not be part of their "NEW NIGERIA" or are they so averse and disturbed at the predominant Christian religion being practiced there that they have excluded it? Only time will tell but an APC as presently constituted and being run is not good for a SECULAR and all inclusive Nigeria. Admitted that President Jonathan is not that inspiring but Nigerians should better go with a docile angel than embrace proven demons. Muhammadu Buhari, Bola Tinubu and now Abubakar Atiku are conceited and conniving people; they have also passed the age of character formation and cannot change now who they have always been. Therefore this their very unholy alliance should be a cause for serious concern and worry for Nigerians who must inoculate themselves from this poisonous men by running as far away to the hills as they can, from whatever sermon these guys are preaching. It cannot be anything good for the general welfare of NIgerians; it also portends calamity for unity, the treasury and religious freedom of NIgerians. Nigerians, Icheoku says, please just say thanks but NO to these great pretenders.

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