Friday, April 7, 2017


ICHEOKU says President Bashar al-Assad lied when he told the world that he has destroyed all the chemical weapons in his country's military arsenal. A promise he made following his crossing of former President Barack Obama's redline on chemical weapons and in order to avoid a retaliatory action from America. But to the dismay of a surprised world, he once again gassed his people, women, little children and beautiful God's babies, all of which died very agonizing suffocating deaths. 

ICHEOKU queries which monster would wreck such a havoc on the very citizens he was elected to protect as president and whose safety and protection should be his number one priority. He has played the world for seven long years while slaughtering his people and destroying their country; it is about time the world said enough is enough and forcibly take him out if he cannot be taken alive to face war crimes prosecution at The Hague. Therefore Bashar al-Assad should be considered a fair game in any future strikes, barring his change of heart and model himself into a more humane president who would not so lackadaisically waste his own people's life and in such a callous devious manner. 

ICHEOKU says it is only someone who has not watched those little babies writhing in pain and laboriously gasping for breath that would not feel convulsed at the magnitude of ruthlessness of the Assad regime. ICHEOKU says time to hold Bashar al-Assad accountable is now, admitted it came a long time ago with his crossing of Obama's red-line without consequences whatsoever. It also shows that those whose time has come act in such a reckless cavalier manner as would suggest that they intentionally are speeding up their rendezvous with death. Here is a man who would have relaxed and allow the newly elected American President Trump to first help him crush ISIS and then renegotiate his presidency thereafter. But no, less than two weeks after America said that regime change in Damascus is no longer a priority, this unthinking Assad went ahead to commit the most egregious crimes against the humanity that call Syria their country, which they know will attract America's ire. Bashar a-Assad is evil and like all evils, he must be stopped now, killed if thats the only option, to help resolve the so many seemingly problem which he represents.

The ongoing slaughter in Syria has lasted for too long, seven long years without any end in sight; so it is about time the civilized world ended it and however they see fit. Hopefully today's tomahawk strikes on one of his military airbases is a significant right step in the right direction as the world led by America cannot continue to standby and watch hands akimbo as Assad ruthlessly deals with the lives of his country men and women and children and babies as he sees fit and as suits his maniacal fancy. But this time, Assad miscalculated and did not take into account that a new sheriff is in town and in the White House and his name is President Donald Trump. He also forgot that President Trump is very unpredictable, decisive and can swing the hammer of the awesome fearsome United States military at a moment's notice and without publicizing it in his usual stealth fashion. Now one of Assad's government military air base has been decimated and completely obliterated by the power of 50 (1000pounds each) Tomahawk cruise missile which rained down thereon and he did not have a whiff they were coming down. 

This is a man who lied that he had destroyed his stockpile of chemical weapons; failed to reciprocate the goodwill gesture of President Trump whose government had expressed the desire not to prioritize his removal from office and said so just two weeks ago. But in return, he once again gassed his people. ICHEOKU says next time, President Assad should himself be lighted up for a laser guided missile to make contact with him. What did he need to achieve gassing his people at this time he has the prospect of getting some reprieve from the new government in America. He blew it and with the wind goes that single best opportunity to make amends and govern in peace and in one piece. If Assad was smart, he would have mellowed down and encourage Americans in their decision to engage ISIS on the ground and have his country restored to normalcy. But no, leading to the question, what was he smoking. Bashar a-Assad, ICHEOKU says enough of your suicidal tendencies because America will come and get you if you make them. Stop the madness in Syria and stop killing your people, whether with barrel bombs or bullets or even Sarine gas. 

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