Saturday, April 8, 2017


ICHEOKU says all finally said and done, give it up for the steely backbone of Senate majority leader McConnell for shepherding the nomination of Neil Gorsuch through to the finish line as he is confirmed associate judge of the Supreme Court of the United States of America. He delivered on his promise to have Gorsuch confirmed and for this, McConnell is hereby congratulated for a job well done and a promise kept. It is good to be tough and resolved on one's conviction, especially when informed on reason and good grounds. 

The slot at the Supreme Court was for conservatives to fill, being a slot left vacant with the death of Anthony Scalia; so it falls flat the argument made by Democrats and other liberals alike that President Obama was denied a chance at nominating and filling the vacancy. Good enough Mitch McConnell stood firm and refused to move on Judge Garland's nomination and rode out Obama's presidency. ICHEOKU says the trouble with the Democrats is that they are still horn mad angry at the Republicans for stalling on Judge Garland and at President Donald Trump for routing their Queen Hillary Clinton in the last presidential election. So regardless of who was nominated, as long as it was by President Trump and supported by the Republicans, the Democrats would still have filibustered and not supported the nominee. 

The Democrats complaint was more of an angry agitation rather than any rational reasoning based objection to a judge who is eminently qualified erudite judge and who have previously passed through similar confirmation process as then Appellate Judge nominee. So, what has Judge Gorsuch done since his appellate court days to now override his previous confirmation, if not for silly partisan retaliatory politics of you did not confirm our own judge Garland and so, we will not confirm your own Judge Gorsuch, puerile antic of the Democrats. Good enough they found their match in Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell and the rest as they say is now history. Query, if not Judge Gorsuch, who else could the Democrats possibly have confirmed, nobody. Thankfully, McConnell has some backbone and did not cower nor yield grounds and Gorsuch is now the Associate Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States of America. 

ICHEOKU says the Democrats need to be taught a lesson for their obfuscations and for trying to derail the nomination of this fair minded Judge Gorsuch who is not extreme by any definition of that word. So the next time an opportunity presents itself to fill a gap in the Supreme Court, President Donald Trump should consider nominating an ultra conservative far right wing Judge and have the Republican majority nuclear option him into the Supreme Court and let the Dems jump off if they want. ICHEOKU says when would all these petty partisanship bickering end and how can the country truly move forward with each party always holding to their position without yielding any grounds whatsoever. What happened to the spirit of camaraderie of 'give and take', where things are negotiated out and not the current gridlock stance of 'either my way or the highway.' ICHEOKU thought the Democrats would have shown some love and not objected to Judge Gorsuch, but they did not or rather refused to deal and the same revolving door continues to spin. 

Judge Neil Gorsuch, 49 years old, was confirmed by 54 to 45 votes to become the 113th justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America. ICHEOKU wishes him all the best in his new endeavor at the apex court of the land. Congratulations Judge.

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