Sunday, November 6, 2016


Icheoku says one Lyndee Weber wrote on FaceBook:- 

No wonder they are killing the black race. I have never in my life seen such low informed people as some black Americans. They probably  deserve everything they are going to get. They are not that young that they don't or can't remember. Blacks have been denied attention for so long. When Clinton came along playing a damn saxophone, we accord him the credit that is undeserved. Bill Clinton, do you remember him returning the Haitian refugees that were fleeing military dictatorship that the United States supported and supplied them with weapons. The United States surrounded Haiti and returned everyone of those Haitians to their killers. 

In 2004 Ambassador Madeline Albright under Bill Clinton, had to take responsibility for the deaths of over 800,000 Rwandan Tutsis. She obstructed the United Nations from intervening in Rwanda. As horrific as the killing was in Rwanda, the US under President Clinton didn't see the interest of the US being affected it hence failed or refused to act to help end it.  Under Bill Clinton, blacks in the Caribbean banana producers wanted to dominate a small slice of the banana market. Clinton fought and threatened 100% tariffs to those European countries that bought bananas from St Lucia and the others. Clinton and the white CEO of Chiquita Banana, Carl Lindner, worked well in severely damaging those black banana producers.  

Don't forget the Crime Reform Bill that fueled mass incarceration of black people in the United States, about 1.3 million of them, that the Clintons repeatedly defended until Hillary decided to run for president. Before leaving office, then President Bill Clinton was asked to reconcile the sentencing structure between powered (snow-white) cocaine and rock (black) crack cocaine, "knowing it was the drug of choice for blacks" because it was very cheap. Clinton never did anything about it nor on human rights; rather he weakened human right. 

Africa was trying so hard to become independent of the west. Hillary said after killing Gaddafi "we came, we saw, he died" and laughed. They killed 30,000 Libyans and now the West is in charge of their oil and gold. Same thing in Haiti. After the earthquake, Hillary made Bill Ambassador at Large for the rebuilding of Haiti. Bill went over there with a plane load of businessmen. They took everything with them to Haiti. They built luxury homes for themselves and family in a gated community.  All the billions coming into Haiti from other countries were rerouted through the Clinton Foundation. Do you know Hillary Clinton gave her brother the gold contract in Haiti and he knows nothing about gold. Adding insult to injury, Bill Clinton as Ambassador stopped Haiti from growing their own rice so he could give his brother the "rice contract". 

Are these the type of people you want back in the White House? All you can show me of Donald Trump is a poster or a video of his saying some stuff. So what if he said some silly stuff. Something is wrong with this picture. Feel free to unfriend me, I don't care but truth be told, the Clintons do not care about black people, period.

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