Monday, November 7, 2016


Icheoku says desiring a visible shift of direction from the current confusion and directionless in the world, vote for a man who can get it done. Vote for a man wants to do right for and by the American people and who wants to finally give a confused and bewildered world a new lease on life and point them to a clear direction. He has the vision, he has the energy, he has the passion and  he has the drive. Donald Trump might not be your average alter boy nor does he pretend to be infallible, but at least with him you know where you stand and he has the love and commitment to try and give it his all. 

President Barack Obama once said that no one truly has the experience of being a president until he actually sits on the the desk inside the Oval Office, being swarmed with many things needing on the fly decisions one way or the other and actually deciding on them. America has been bogged down for too long by indecisiveness and knee jerk fits and starts policies; and it is about time, a true leader finally emerges to drive the narrative. Like a Shepard and his flock, Donald Trump will not be shy to drive the flock of America and he will indeed give America a definitive new direction to somewhere better. Voting for the other candidate is accepting mediocrity and defeatism; and the despondency that things cannot become any better and that America has to now accept managing as its new way of life. Icheoku says, it should not be so and Icheoku does not think so and the opportunity calls now to let a man with a can-do attitude and who has a proven record of not accepting defeat quarterback America going forward. The only thing they have on him are things he allegedly said; but no one has ever been killed by mere words of mouth. They are what they are - ordinary words and they do not necessarily effect nor impact anyone's ability to get things done. 

At worst, Americans should see him as the fireman who has a foul mouth but who should be allowed to fight the house fire, regardless. Angels and saints live in heaven and no one is pretending they will rappel down to occupy the White House and become president. The imperative here is can Donald Trump do the job that needs to be done, regardless of his diarrhea mouth? If the answer is in the affirmative, then vote for him and let him do his job and once again make America great again. Entrenched powers do not easily yield and entrenched powers are fighting with all they have to sabotage this God given opportunity, a chance in our lifetime, to actually vote for something instead of the usual perpetual recycling and change of batons in Washington. Nothing will ever change until the King who does not know Joseph ascends the throne and calls for the rendering of account. Donald John Trump is the outsider who understands the workings of the insiders, and is in the strongest position to drain the swamp and get the country going again. So vote for something, vote for Donald Trump and let him go to work for the American people. On Tuesday November 8, VOTE TRUMP and help Make America Great Again. 

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