Saturday, July 23, 2016


Icheoku says once again Crooked Hillary Clinton has outfoxed herself in her usual clever by half dispositive political calculations. She wants Hispanic American voters to believe that she is on their side; but instead of choosing one of them as her vice presidential candidate to prove this, she settled for her fellow white person, a white male, who speaks Spanish. Query, is the rotten dirty lying Crooked One telling Hispanics that they are not good enough to make her ticket or that what they really want is someone who speaks their language but not one of their own? Is Crooked Hillary telling Hispanic voters that all they desire and deserve is someone who can speak the Spanish language; or that since they "don't" understand English language, someone who can translate English to Spanish is as good as they could get close to the White House?

Icheoku says pandering has never been this blatant and you wonder what the candidate was trying to prove in choosing a white man who speaks Spanish, instead of choosing a full blooded Spanish man who literally speaks English as a second language? They are plenty of these Spanish Americans, who not only understand and speak English, but also are eminently qualified for the position of the vice presidential candidate. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro comes readily to mind. He is photogenic, youthful, possessed of a very disarming smile, tall and handsome, educated and has been in politics for sometime. So why did Hillary Clinton not pick him as her vice presidential candidate, if indeed she actually cares and respects Spanish Americans and seriously courts their votes and support? Why is Julian Castro not good enough for Hillary Clinton to choose as her vice presidential candidate? 

The answer is simple, she does not really care about them and is merely pandering in her usual lip service manner to a political bloc she would rather are too stupid to know any better. By her choice of a white male, Hillary Clinton telegraphed to Hispanics Americans that she would rather court her fellow white people, the white males, than "ordinary" Hispanics, who could be so easily led by the nose. Icheoku says this insult to the sensibilities of Hispanic Americans voters and Hispanics in general can only be responded to one way - their rejection of Hillary Clinton through their votes in November. Icheoku would have not bothered with who Hillary Clinton choose as her vice presidential candidate; but to push the information out that Tim Kaine speaks fluent Spanish got Icheoku started. It is very demeaning to the Spanish Americans that their interest was considered protected this way. They therefore must register their disaffection by sending her a resounding message that they can see through her charade by voting for the other guy.

Reliable sources also had it that President Obama's preferred candidate was Cory Booker; at least to pacify black Americans that one of their own would still be around in the White House long after he is gone. But Crooked Hillary Clinton rejected the idea as she preferred a fellow white person, a white male, to rather appeal to her fellow white Americans, their males, who are resolutely against her presidency or its likelihood. Query again, how does Hillary Clinton plan to pacify black Americans who are still mad at her for calling their males Super Predators? A woman who together with her husband, was instrumental to the Crimes Bill that decimated black American communities and sent hundreds of thousands of them to prison and still held there. Icheoku does not know how President Barack Obama could shamelessly still campaign for this woman after this slap in the face by the rejection of his preferred candidate? This means that black Americans will now go from being used to seeing a black president in the white House to  seeing no black face at all in the White House?

Then the issue of Bernie Sanders and his coolaid drinking fanatical supporters, who were looking forward to a vice presidential slot compensation. Neither their Bernie nor the Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren was chosen by Hillary Clinton and now someone please tell Icheoku how these people, many of whom had previously sworn never Hillary, would now be cajoled and corralled back to supporting Hillary?  How could a woman, who Bernie Sanders supporters accused of not being liberal enough, now go to the far right of the Democratic Party to chose a more conservative democrat than herself as her vice presidential candidate? What message, short of screw you, is she sending to these supporters who felt the buns of Bernie; that their eldorado is not within view or that their support and votes don't matter? How is even Bernie Sanders himself feeling at this hour with the choice of Tim Kaine and not one of his own extreme left ideological divide as Hillary Clinton's vice presidential candidate?

Icheoku says the good news however is that Crooked Hillary Clinton, who has been severally accused of having bad judgment and making bad decisions, has once again proved this school of thought right, with her choice of Tim Kaine as her vice presidential candidate. What exactly does she want to achieve or prove with this choice of Virginian Tim Kaine? What other thing is Tim Kaine bringing to the ticket or supposed to bring to the ticket which is different from what Hillary Clinton already brings along? For the left of the Democratic Party, the Bernie Sanders bloc of Socialists Democrats, Hillary Clinton is already too far right and extremely hawkish. So how exactly would a vice presidential candidate who is considered to be to the right of Hillary Clinton appear then in the eyes of these Bernie voters and supporters? 

How would they see this slap on their face that Hillary Clinton bluffed them and has total disregard for their free bees and expectation of partying like 1999 by choosing someone from outside their bloc? At the end of the day, Hillary Clinton failed woefully to consolidate the Democratic Party by reining in those Bernie buns and this will be a costly mistake she will regret and lament come November. Further, a wiser political tactician in Hillary Clinton's shoes, would have looked to Ohio and chosen someone like Sherrod Brown to consolidate Ohio and swing it to her side. But again, her very bad judgment was in the way and she chose as she did; thus greatly hurting her chances with Ohio voters. A people who want jobs and jobs and more jobs and there is a candidate who is promising many more jobs and is stronger on jobs creation cannot be otherwise persuaded without one of their own on the ticket. 

Finally, the choice of Tim Kaine by Hillary Clinton, regardless of his qualifications for the position, does not additionally bring anything of much value to the ticket. Rather it frees up blacks, Hispanics and other minorities voters for either party to have a field day with. Instead of securely locking these bloc of voters on her side with a calculated smart pick, Crooked Hillary once again proved that she has a very bad judgment by blowing such a wonderful golden opportunity. Her choice also throws up Ohio for either party to grab and fortunately enough, Ohioans are pleased with jobs, jobs and more jobs message they are hearing from the other guy; and this will most likely swing the state to that other guy. Moreso the other vice presidential candidate is from an adjacent state to Ohio and it might rub off in deciding the election. Overall, Icheoku is not impressed by the pick of Tim Kaine and Icheoku is somewhat happier that Hillary Clinton failed woefully to lock in some of these political advantages. Now everything is fair game and let the campaign begin and begin seriously. 

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