Monday, July 25, 2016


Icheoku says in 2000, principled Ralph Nader, tired of the usual fall in line, wait your turn, while the good party people do as they please, decided to take another way out. To show his disaffection and dissatisfaction with the way things are and has been with the Democratic Party, maintaining a hindering status-quo, ran a third party race, which resulted in the loss of that presidential election by Al Gore to George Walker Bush. Icheoku says such a situation has once again arisen and only such vehement rejection of the ingrained undemocratic practices of the Democratic Party, as Ralph Nader did in 2000, will indeed actually establish Bernie Sanders as standing with the people. Anything short of decisively rejecting the now apparent gang up against him, as revealed by the Wikileaks leaked emails, will be interpreted as weakness and lack of core.

Icheoku therefore calls on silver-haired, frail-looking, hippie grandpa Bernie Sanders, to follow in the footsteps of Ralph Nader and run a third party candidate against Hillary Clinton. By doing so, he will fully establish himself as a man of his own, a complete outsider; and thus help reject the coronation of Queen Hillary by the Democratic Party honchos. There are so many reasons why this should be the only honorable way out for Bernie Sanders; as any other thing or action will amount to a wasted time for an unprincipled Bernie, only in it for the ride and not with any conviction whatsoever. If Bernie fails to stand up against the entrenched way of doing things, the good ole way of party owners interests first, then it is finished for real democracy in America's other party, the Democratic Party. How else would anyone explain what was witnessed so far in the Democratic Party; from their skewed primaries to the now leaked emails, which only showed how undemocratic the supposed Democratic Party really is.

First, Bernie Sanders ran a good campaign based primarily on Hillary Clinton's lack of honesty and full disclosure of her sly practices, culminating in the demand that she released her Wall Street speeches. Throughout the primaries and till date, Hillary Clinton has refused to release those speeches, despite repeated requests by Bernie Sanders. Icheoku queries, if those speeches are innocuous and does not contain things inimical to the American people's interest, why has Hillary Clinton not released them? It would appear that Bernie Sanders has moved on from his request that  those speeches be released as he endorsed Hillary Clinton without having those Wall Street speeches released. This left so many people wondering why Bernie did what Bernie did and whether those Wall Street speeches are no longer important for Bernie and once again leaving American people shafted?

Following the loss of that demand by Bernie Sanders for Hillary Clinton to release her Wall Street speeches, Icheoku expected that Bernie Sanders should at least get the privilege of nominating the Vice Presidential candidate for Hillary Clinton. But again, his preferred choice of Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren was snubbed by Hillary Clinton, in preference for someone to the far right of an already too far right Hillary Clinton in the eyes of Bernie supporters; and one wonders what all these are about? It forces one to conclude that Hillary Clinton does not care a hoot about how Bernie feels, what Bernie thinks about, neither does she factor Bernie in reaching her decisions; yet Hillary wants Bernie Bun-feelers to tag along with their support for her candidacy. Icheoku queries, what is in it for Bernie and his people or are they marooned in a loathsome island and have no other choice but to lick their wounds while standing holding the plate? 

Then as if the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic Party has not had enough bricks heaped on their heads already, the just Wikileaks leaked emails of the Democratic Party honchos now left them running crazier about how the party helped sabotage and deny their candidate, a presidential nomination which he would have easily won. The email scandal revealed among many other things, how the party officials ganged up against Bernie Sanders because he is Jewish and not a real member of their Democratic Party?  Icheoku wonders how indeed democratic is this Democratic Party when they would not allow the proverbial "outsider" in their party? At least the Republican Party did and today an allowed outsider won their presidential nomination and is their presidential nominee. But unlike the supposed Democratic Party, which for all intent and purpose is democratic in name only which will not tolerate an outsider. Why decree that Bernie Sanders can never be their presidential nominee; yet he has been voting alongside the party for so long. 

The fallout of the emails scandal has lead to the resignation of the Democratic Party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz; a good first step and in the right direction. However, the tone-deaf Hillary Clinton, unable to decipher what the forced resignation actually meant, went ahead to rehire the disgraced Debbie Wasserman Shultz as her campaign's vice chair person. Icheoku queries, which side is this Hilalry Clinton on anyway - the people of America or her few protected special interests? What message was Hillary Clinton telegraphing to Bernie Sanders with her rehire of Debbie Wasserman Shultz? That Sanders can, like Dick Cheney once told Patrick Leheay, to go fuck himself? 

Ichoeku says Bernie Sanders has shown enough tolerance and willingness to work with Hillary Clinton by steps he has taken so far. But unfortunately, Hillary Clinton is now the person not willing to budge, nor want to meet Bernie halfway. She has remained obstinate all the way - not releasing those Wall Street speeches; not choosing Bernie preferred candidate for vice presidential slot and now rehiring a woman that was forced to resign because she stacked the deck against Bernie from ever securing the party's presidential ticket. 

Icheoku says Bernie Sanders's option here is highly limited but he must act like he got it and that Hillary Clinton does not really care about him nor his supporters or what they have to say or how they feel. Bernie must therefore respond in kind to Hillary's nauseating annoyances and go rogue on the party and run a third party candidacy. Bernie cannot continue to be the one taking it through the rear and only a revolt will actually confirm to Americans, especially his teeming supporters, that his resolve was deep and that he was not in it to tag along just to get along. Simply put, any other thing is unacceptable and Bernie Sanders should not lose everything just like that and because Hillary Clinton does not give a damn. Bernie, Icheoku says, show your resolve, Ralp Nader Hillary now.

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