Saturday, July 30, 2016


Icheoku says provided the punishment is applied evenly across the board, among all those that breaks any local law against any specifically named crimes or acts, and provided too the laws are publicly known and precedes the commission of the alleged offense and due process of fair trial led to a conviction, Icheoku has no qualms in enforcing the law,  including as in this case through levying of death. 

Many societies pass laws that will help it solve certain peculiar problems facing them or which is militating against their society wholesomeness. There is no one cap fits all law and enforcement which is universally suitable for every society; hence pressuring any society to stop certain punishments or law enforcement is to say the least too patronizing. The better approach would be to encourage every society to be open about what they frown at, as well as the prescribed punishment for breaking them and to properly put the information to the public so that any would be risk taker who still wants to proceed with committing the crime thereafter would not lament that he or she did not know or was not aware of it. 

Icheoku is particularly against drugs use or their availability and by extension frowns at people who engage in it in whatever form, whether as couriers or manufacturers or street level retailing hustlers. The one thing that bind all these people is greed and the urge to make quick fast money without the heavy lifting usually associated with earning a buck. They know the harm they are causing to any society they are plying their trade in and are fully aware of the high risk they are taking to make such high returns. They should not seek sympathy of either the society or the law enforcement since they should have advised themselves properly before embarking on their illicit death trade. So many societies are being destroyed by drug use and criminals who facilitate this should be treated as enemies of the state and dealt with in similar fashion. 

To this therefore, Icheoku agrees with Indonesia Deputy Attorney General Noor Rachmad that "executions of convicted drug dealers is not done just to take lives but to stop their evil intentions and the evil act of drug trafficking." May the souls of those Nigerian three executed rest in peace and hopefully they forgave themselves before those volleys of hot leads pierced their bodies. 

Icheoku also hopes they were guilty of the offense and not just innocent victims who were railroaded and killed for nothing. Icheoku once again uses this opportunity to plead to Nigerians and every one engaging in fast money pursuit including drug crimes to please be advised that greed is not a good companion of anyone who wants to live a meaningful, well fulfilled life. Whatever money one made or which one wants to make does not necessarily make the person a better person. Rather such money will eventually lead one to very undeserving bottom pits of hell of misery. Therefore please curb your enthusiasm and crave for quick riches and live within your means as no one is overtly impressed by your excessive exhibitionism. 

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