Friday, July 15, 2016


Icheoku says why French President Francois Hollande has not resigned his office yet for the triple terrorists attacks that have claimed so many French  peoples' lives and destroyed so much in properties and psyche is beyond Icheoku's imagination. 

The first job of any leader such as a president is to protect the lives and properties of the people he or she is leading; therefore a salt that has lost its taste is no longer salt and must as a matter of cause be dumped and thrown away. This is exactly what the French president owe to the people of France as these terrorism strikes in France is now three times three many. If he does not want to go by resignation, the parliament should impeach and remove him from office so that another leader who is equal to the task can step in and clean house, do the needful and save the French people from further deaths, trauma and agonies. 

Icheoku refuses to accept that world citizens, particularly those who call France home, have now accepted Islamist terrorism and the frequency of ease with which they occur, destroying lives and properties, as their new normal. France could, for all intent and purpose, now easily pass for a proving grounds of Islamist terrorism, having suffered three deadly such strikes within a relatively very short period of time; that many are wondering whether the French president and his security team are indeed equal to the task of protecting the French people. 

One attack is too many and three attacks of course are three times triple many; and must be brought to a swift end. Enough is and should be enough or have the French people given up on solving this problem that is continuously taking a toll on the French people. Icheoku says anything short of President Francois Hollande's resignation to make way for a fresh set of eyes and mindset to look into the problem and think out a solution should be unacceptable to the French people. Icheoku heretofore, once again, call on President Francois Hollande of France to resign his office forthwith and save France from all these embarrassments. 

First was Charlie Hebdo; then followed by Bataclan concert venue massacre and now this Bastille day celebration massacre in Nice. Icheoku says another 84 French people dead, with several others wounded in just one day is rather too much to add to the toll which is already being exacted by Islamic terrorism on the French people, whose psyche must be greatly distorted by now. Extending the state of emergency is not the answer and will not solve the problem. An entirely new different approach is desired and is desirable at this stage and only the exit of the president would facilitate this and therefore President Francois Hollande has to go. 

A more preemptory approach is needed which will meaningfully engage all Muslim countries in the fight against Islamic terrorism. These countries should be shamed into taking some responsibility for the lunacy of islamist terrorism, which is giving their religion a bad name. They should be ashamed that these hooligans have hijacked their religion and are wrecking havoc in their religion's name. At least they should be made to forcefully condemn these acts as they occur and align themselves to every effort being made to defeat it.  But again, President Hollande has to go first before any meaningful solution-driven approach would effectively take roots. Enough of all these sanctimonious "Juis Charlie" or "Juis Bataclan" or now "Juis Nice"; time to do something to and that will end this madness is now. To the French people in Nice, Icheoku says our sympathies. 

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