Thursday, July 14, 2016


Icheoku says life has a way of playing tricks with mankind; and so it is that less than four decades after, there is likely an encore with Britain having a female Prime Minister alongside America with a strong president. In 1979 to 1990, late Baroness Margaret Hilda Thatcher held sway in Britain as Prime Minister while Ronald Wilson Reagan was America's president within the same period from 1981 to 1989. That situation worked quite well for both countries as well as the world which witnessed a sure-footed leadership provided by both leaders.

Today with the emergence of Theresa Mary May as British Prime Minister and the very likelihood that Donald John Trump will be elected the next America's president, it seems the circle has now gone full cycle. Britain and America will both have leaders that will help the world find its footing. Icheoku congratulates Prime Minister Theresa Mary May and looks forward to a Donald Trump's presidency that will help provide PM Theresa May the necessary American muscle to back her up and the two will help with necessary restructuring and reestablishment of a new world. Congratulations Britain on your new Prime Minister. 

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