Saturday, June 25, 2016


Icheoku says to the sorrowful mother, please take solace in that Mary suffered similar fate when the lifeless body of her son Jesus was laid on her arms. At 32 years, he was just about the same age as Jesus who died at 33 years. Fortunately enough though, he planted a tree of life in his three year old son and in him, he genetically lives on. To the bereaved father, please take heart since to die is to continue to live in the hearts of those who love you; admitted he is gone but he is gone to rest and would continue to live in your heart forever. Nedu Junior is there to try and fill the vacuum created with his exit. To his siblings, it is a great pain for your aching grieving hearts, but Nedu did not chose to die, his maker called him back home. To all his friends, he will be looking after you from above and spiritually be still in your midst. 

What a life that withered away at such a prime and you wonder why; except that we mortals cannot question the ways of the Lord. As faithful believers, we are bound to accept it as ordained because the man above is on top and always knows best. He puts us here on his volition and he freely recalls us as he pleases and sees fit, no questions asked. This is how smart people mourn the loss of a loved one, because what we cannot change, we always pray for the strength to accept and live with it. If medicine and science would have made him recover from his ailment, his loving parents, family and friends showed they were prepared to make it happen. But despite the best care money could buy and in some of the best hospitals in the world, Nedu succumbed to his illness and is now gone to be with the Lord. Nedu died of subdural hematoma.

As for all those asking why him; query, why not him? If not him, who? Everybody is going to die and lucky are those who have people left behind to conduct their funerals and mourn their loss. As believers in the scriptures, people do not die but merely recalled for further assignments. Icheoku believes that the good Lord have something else more special scheduled for Nedu, hence his summon back home for necessary redeployment. Icheoku wishes him well and prays that the good Lord will find him worthy of honor and deserving of a nicer placement. To the bereaved family and friends, please take heart and find strength in the scriptures and remember not to mourn like the faithless. Adieu Nedu. 

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