Friday, June 24, 2016


Icheoku says what the heck did those who campaigned for a stay want to achieve by willingly sacrificing their independence at the alter of a none working union. An European Union that is united in name only is not worth losing anyone's identity for; so the valiant British people were right in courageously pulling the trigger to fire their rocket out of the EU and back to their island country. Amalgamation of disparate peoples, who have been independent for several centuries and who are passionately independent of each other, cannot work. 

Therefore the very significant step taken by Britain today in pulling out of the European Union, signifies the ungluing of the union and it will unravel from here until its eventual complete total break up.  Icheoku says if those Europeans seriously want a united Europe, they must be prepared to surrender their respective political and identity nationalism to the union and then begin afresh the process of building a nation out of the many nationalities that constitute Europe. Thankfully, the pulling out was done through a peaceful referendum and one wonders and hopes that Biafra/Nigeria unholy wedlock, could be so similarly resolved. 

One derivable lesson from the out vote is that the people are rebelling against their governments. It happened in the Philippines when they voted for a crime fighting nationalist as president and now in Britain where the people have voted to opt out of a union that is not working efficiently. It will happen in America in November when the American people will reject politics as usual and vote in Donald John Trump as their 45th POTUS. Icheoku says being good neighbors is always preferable to being roommates; that way acceptable distance of respectability is maintained and it also helps to sustain such friendship. Britain have come a long way and having survived this long, will still thrive, riding alone, regardless. 

With a vote differential of (1,269,501) one million, two hundred and sixty nine thousand, five hundred and one votes, the get out of European Union votes tally of 17,410,742 trumped the stay in Europe's 16,141,241 votes.  A total of 33,577,342 British people cast their votes in the referendum. Icheoku says if taking back one's country is a crime, Americans are anxiously waiting to become criminals in November, when they will unanimously vote for Donald Trump to help make their country great again. And to take their country back, they must first have to secure their boarders. Let everyone who enters be counted and registered, to help keep the number within the provisions available. Icheoku says congratulations to the British people for showing up and manning up; now they have their country back and may the kumbaya never cease but continue. Way to go, Brits.

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