Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Icheoku says at what time did Lindsey Graham-nesty figure out that the man he, a short few weeks ago, debated on a nationally televised Republican Party's debate on who will be a better presidential candidate for the party,  is not or rather is no longer a member of the Republican Party? When did Donald Trump "DISAVOW" his membership of the Republican Party or was it privately done in the inner recesses of the chambers of the Senator from South Carolina? A man who flunked and flamed out his presidential run and was forced to beat a quick retreat, in his attempt to equal his friend, John McCain's record, as an also ran presidential candidate, is now saying what? A second tier and second rate presidential candidate wanna be, who could not even qualify, due to a very low single digit approval ratings, to make the cutoff mark to participate in the main presidential debates is now saying what? 

Needless to add that his endorsement of Jeb Bush did not yield JEB even a second place in his native South Carolina. Icheoku is bemused and wondering what weight does this guy really think he has? Who is Lindsey Graham outside his small state of South Carolina to say who is or who is not a Republican when he is not Reince Priebus, the chair of the Republican party? Which register of the Republican Party exists, where every Republican is listed as members? 

A man who Senator Graham was jostling a few short weeks ago on who will be a better presidential candidate for the Republican party, suddenly is no longer a member of the Republican Party? Icheoku asks Lindsey Graham on what platform did he then participate in the said debate? Why did Senator Graham not observe then or even walked out in protest that a stranger from Namibia was on stage debating with him and fighting to foist the flag of the Republican Party's presidential run this fall? What changed except that pitiful envy and jealousy is consuming the senator that what he could not do, an outsider is doing it successfully and having fun about it.

A man who was made to sign an undertaking not to run a third party candidate against the eventual nominee of the Republican Party in protest, is now no longer a member of the Republican Party? A man who has given so much money and resources to past Republican Party presidential candidates including 2008 John McCain and 2012 Mitt Romney; and who stood side by side and endorsed Mitt Romney for the election and who Mitt Romney acknowledged as a dear friend and bona fide Republican, is now adjudged no longer bona fides of the Republican Party. Icheoku says wonders shall never end as this goes to show how far entrenched and established interests could go to fight for their hold unto power and its accouterments. 

Now to the other Michelin Tire man Karl Rove, who is yet to recover from the drubbing of election 2012, which saw him stupefied and still assuring donors that Mitt Romney won the election until Obama was sworn in for the second term. A man who destroyed every credit and credibility he garnered as the man who made George W Bush president, with his mediocre performance in that election 2008 which was Romney's to lose and he lost it; especially after squandering over $400 million special interest's money to stop Obama which task he failed woefully. 

Icheoku thought Karl Rove has finally retired faraway to Wyoming from partisan politics until this Trump Movement flushed him back into the scene. So query, what standing does Karl Rove, man who could not help beat Obama in 2012 with $400 million and despite the beatable environment then, still have to open his mouth to tell Americans who to choose as president as well as the Republican Party's presidential candidate nominee. Icheoku condemns Karl Rove's attempt at meddling with the current process as both misguided and impetuous. He wasted donor's money in 2012 and Donald Trump called him out on it and now he wants his pound of flesh? 

Icheoku says not this time Karl and other established politicians as millions of Americans, including Pagans, Gentiles, Jews, Christians, born again and born before, educated and none educated, tall and short, fat and slim, ugly and beautiful, Mexicans, blacks, women, Chinese, Japanese, gays and Lesbians as well as people who generally love differently, and every American who desires better for America, are united in the current effort to send The Donald to Washington. Politics as usual has been defeated and Americans in unison want an outsider who does not accept money from any special interest to go to Washington and shake things up. So these hating and hateful established Republicans, who feel threatened that an outsider is coming uninvited, not only to the dinner table but also to man the kitchen and bar, should know that America's democracy is peoples democracy and their majority will trounce whatever conspiracy is going on among the family of the entrenched political jobbers. 

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