Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Icheoku says still wondering why things are spiraling downwards on its head, headed to hell in hands basket in American society, especially among families of peoples of color? Studies show that 73% of black American children are born outside wedlock, to single mothers.  Their father is either a deadbeat dad without any fixed address or source of income, or has abandoned the mother following her pregnancy, or is a crackhead, or is in prison or is already shot dead or killed in domestic violence, regardless. So many others fall into the feminist trap of a nagging female  who finally forces her man to walk away into the night without ever coming back. Others simply divorce. 

Now query, how does this promise any solid future for blacks in America? Icheoku's says unless something is done to undo what the Clintons did to unravel black communities in America, with their project massive incarceration of "super-predators" black males of America, some of these families without a male family-head will continue to wallow in their problems. The result, the continued descent into despondency and poverty; and of course its attendant more crimes including robbery and prostitution to support an infant in a child-mother's care. Icheoku says in a nation that does not somewhat encourage marriage and which seems to empathize with single motherhood and fatherhood, what else could be expected. But just like CNN's Don Lemon suggested and Icheoku agrees, 'Just because you can have a baby, doesn't mean you should have one if you cannot afford one.' A culture which glorifies baby-mama and baby-daddy and where what other societies consider bastards do not exist.

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