Saturday, March 5, 2016


Icheoku says likes to hear it or not, then candidate Barack Obama roared to the center stage of American politics  propelled by the yearnings of millions of Americans, who felt it was about time somebody different and with a different vision, held sway in America. People were excitedly giddy about the new kid on the block and gravitated to him accordingly, in response to his appeal as a refreshing breath of fresh air. They saw in Obama what they craved for and wanted for their dear country and they responded to his candidacy and today the rest is history. 

By the same token, the current political earthquake that is Donald Trump, is being powered by similarly excited Americans, who feel that it is about time they take back their White House and fix the so many things they see and consider broken about America. They are tired of politics as usual and like the mobs in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, now wants to do away with the conspirators - the establishment Republicans. They see in Donald Trump their yearning and aspiration fulfilled; and this is why he is unstoppable and will be ushered into the White House come November 2016 as the 45th president of the United States of America. Icheoku says the same phenomenal wind of change that carried Obama through is now underneath the sail of Donald Trump and no conceited, petty and envious establishment Republican, be him Mitt Romney or Lindsey Graham or John McCain or Karl Rove or even Bobby Jindal has enough energy to make a dent in his appeal. 

This effervescing enthusiasm, cutting across the length and breath of America, is what is driving Donald Trump's campaign, a campaign which has literally morphed into a movement. It will push and see him through to the White House in November, regardless of whatever contrary opinion any pinhead naysayer has to offer. Like then candidate Barack Obama was unstoppable, so is candidate Donald Trump now unstoppable and any Republican still holding out false hope, thinking that some magic will happen to stop him, better have another fall back option. Anyone still holding out there, hopelessly, will find him or herself missing the Trump train into the White House as a left behind. Donald Trump's train to the White House has since left unstoppably enroute the White House and trains don't usually stop once it takes off. 

Icheoku says Donald Trump is the answer to the question how do we move America truly forward. Donald Trump is the answer to the question how do we deal with immigration problem in America. Donald Trump is the answer to question how do we defeat ISIS and Islamic terrorism. Donald Trump is the answer to the question how do we rebuild America. Donald Trump is the answer to the question how do America begin to win again. Donald Trump is the answer to the question how do we checkmate China from their rising impetus. Donald Trump is the answer to the question how do we truly reset the button with Vladimir Putin's Russia. Donald Trump is the answer to the question how do Israel and Palestine truly make peace; and Donald Trump is the answer to how do we make America great again. 

Donald Trump's message is resonating with Americans; Donald Trump's message is refreshingly soothing to the ears of Americans; majority of who are tired of waiting for that knight in shinning armor that will lead them out of their presently found enslavement in the land of Egupt. America wants to truly lead and decisively again and Donald Trump will provide that leadership. Donald Trump is a winner extraordinary and together, America will join him and begin winning again. Donald Trump will take it to Hillary Clinton without gloves come the general election and Donald Trump will deal her a decisive TKO. Tired of the last eight years, look the way of Donald Trump. Go Trump and lets make America great again. Vatican has their wall; Jericho has their great wall; China has their own great wall and America will have its own great wall; so lets BUILD THAT WALL.

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