Sunday, March 6, 2016


“We are part of the Islamic coalition because we have got terrorists in Nigeria, which everybody knows and the terrorists claim to be Islamic. So, if there is an Islamic coalition to fight terrorism, we will be part of it because we are casualties of Islamic terrorism. Boko Haram has declared loyalty to ISIS and ISIS is based in Islamic countries, and if there is a coalition to fight them why shouldn’t we be part of it, particularly when those fighting the country claim to be Muslims, although what they are doing is against Islam. Why can’t those Christians that complain about the coalition fight terrorism in Nigeria or fight the militants in the south? It’s Nigeria that matters, not the opinion of the religious bigots.” - Dr President Muhammadu Buhari.

Icheoku says with this Dr President Muhammadu Buhari has raised the ante in his battle plan against those who worships differently and who shares Nigeria with him as a secular country. As far as he is concerned, any opinion outside his does not matter in his latest attempt to railroad Nigeria fully into the Organization of Islamic Countries now against terrorism. A position from which he had earlier distanced himself and Nigeria from, but which he suddenly reversed himself on, having caved in to the pressure of Saudi Arabia. According to President Muhammadu Buhari, any Christian who does not like it can go and hang, as he does not give a damn. 

Icheoku says a president never took Nigeria for a ride as the current President Muhammadu Buhari, the lean and mean Cassius of Daura, who is now steaming full course to completely Islamize Nigeria. That his Boko Haram and Fulani nomadic cattle rearer terrorists army are on the prowl and wrecking havoc, should leave no one in doubt that their game plan is fast being translated into action.  What an unmitigated disaster Nigerians brought unto themselves when they elected such a paranoid,  opinionated zealot as their president. Now change has truly come to Nigeria and they are in different shades and forms.

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