Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Icheoku says recalls a story told by mother about one Irish missionary catholic priest back in the day. According to the narrative, the priest was preaching the gospel in the community church one Sunday way back in 1955 and told the congregation that on the last day they might be surprised to enter heaven to find the chief priest of the local deity seated in heaven and looking over in hell find the pope, the bishop and even himself languishing in hellfire. The moral of story, provided you stay upright and do what is right, you will make heaven if one exists. The bible also tells us that those who do nefarious things in secret or who use the cover of darkness to perpetrate evil deeds, that the good Lord in heaven who created night and who also sees in darkness sees them. That if you deceive your fellow man, you cannot deceive God Almighty. 

Giving the fast developing story that the late Pope John Paul II, who was even canonized a saint, had a girlfriend whom no one ever knew about, Icheoku says why continue this life of deceit? They too, men in cassock, are human beings and have same desires of flesh as we mere mortals; so why not just burst open all these pretensions of celibacy and come to terms with their humanity. Why hide it and act as if they are superhuman and surreptitiously go around satisfying their urge behind closed doors. Icheoku calls on the Catholic church to use this epiphany and reconsider their celibacy law and lift the ban on their priests from exercising or fulfilling their fleshly calling. If 1 Timothy 3:1-4 and Leviticus 21:7 & 13 stipulate that men in cassock should be husbands and fathers and in that way will know better how to manage their flock, why must the church be different. Icheoku nearly forgot the story of Mary Magdalene and Jesus, so the pope might actually be in order here,  for crying out loud. 

According to the developing story, Pope John Paul II had an "emotionally intimate affair” with a married Polish-American philosopher, New Hampshire academic, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka lasting over 32 long years and pictures and correspondences abound to prove it. The rest of the story below:- 

"The future pope, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, and Tymieniecka met in 1973 when he was a teacher at Lublin University in Poland. Tymieniecka’s loved ones sold her letters to the Polish archivists in a seven-digit deal following her death in 2014, the BBC reported. But instead of celebrating the incredible score, Polish archivists kept the fascinating papers under wraps until the BBC finally got a look at them recently, the British broadcasters said. 

The archive includes pictures of the future pope in shorts, on a lakeside camping trip with Tymieniecka, and in full ski gear on the slopes with her. Nothing in the letters shows a forbidden love affair that would break John Paul’s vow of celibacy. But the pair appeared to share a deep emotional intimacy, with John Paul once telling her she was a gift to him from God. He said in that missive: “If I did not have this conviction, some moral certainty of Grace, and of acting in obedience to it, I would not dare act like this.” 

Tymieniecka stayed in close touch with John Paul after she moved to the United States and even during his reign as pope. She visited him the day before he died in 2005. The relationship between John Paul and Tymieniecka wasn’t a secret — and was first disclosed in Carl Bernstein’s 1997 book, “His Holiness.” But Bernstein said these papers shed remarkable new light on John Paul. “We are talking about Saint John Paul. This is an extraordinary relationship,” Bernstein said. “It’s not illicit. Nonetheless, it’s fascinating. It changes our perception of him.”

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