Tuesday, February 16, 2016


‘He’ll be strong and steady:’ George W. Bush stumps for Jeb
Icheoku says first he sauntered on the terrain all by himself, alone, only to discover that playing in the big league requires more than just a family name. He found it too tough to handle and so scurried back home to call on mom who-knows-best, to come and bail him out. His mother unsuccessfully tried to market him to the American people who call New Hampshire home, as they rejected him and with thundering outcry screamed ENOUGH OF THE BUSHES. Not fazed and like every mama's boy who is exhibiting Frat-tendency of 'why not me' entitlement, he has once again ran back to his family for another round of bailout. This time, it is his big brother, a former president, whose presidency left so much sour taste in so many Americans mouth that he has dragged to the campaign trail. 

A presidency which many right thinking Americans wished never happened and at best, is better forgotten; but which in eyes of the mama's boy, was the best thing to happen to America and a very successful  presidency to brag about. Icheoku says if George Walker Bush's presidency was good enough for JEB, so much as to want and wish an encore, a repeat, a reincarnation of it, then his aspiring presidency is one American people would be better off without and therefore should not be embraced. American people will be better of with it aborted right now than to relive the presidency whose havoc the world is still reaping till today. GW, whose presidency did not and could not "MISSION ACCOMPLISH" anything, is who JEB is banking on now to come and MISSION ACCOMPLISH his presidential aspiration, by helping him secure the nomination of the Republican Party. 

Now GW is telling American people in South Carolina that Jeb Bush has the right judgment to be president and one wonders if George Bush is the most qualified person to make a call on anyone's judgment; not after his own judgment that marched troops into the quagmire that is the unnecessary egotistic Iraqi war. Anyway, American people know better and they know that George Bush's presidency left so much to be desired and they will have none of it, not anymore. What GW is trying to sell this time, his baby brother, as presidential candidate and possible president of America is not kosher. Icheoku says what JEB's more beloved mother Barbara could not do for him in New Hampshire, he wants his loathed brother George to do in South Carolina? 

But serving as a devil's advocate, who is JEB going to summon again, next time to his campaign trail, should South Carolinas also reject his brother's plea for mercy as New Hampshire rejected his mother's plea? May be it will be time to pull the kitchen sink by bringing his 94 year old wheel chair bound and dementia afflicted daddy Herbert to the campaign? But hey, desperate times calls for desperate measures; except that JEB is getting it all wrong thinking or believing that the problem is in his message and its delivery. Icheoku says nope, it is not a case of the message, rather it is the messenger.  

JEB's rejection is not because of what his message says or is not saying; no his rejection is a reaction of the American peoples fatigue with an impending political dynasty which they are not prepared to institutionalize. JEB's rejection is because of what he represents and American people are tired of same Bush same Bush all the time. It is the Bush/Clinton fatigue and so it does not matter if he resurrects Ronald Reagan to come and pound the trail for him, he will not be elected. But even if he   miraculously wins, will he be calling on his family to the rescue each time governing becomes  tough? If he cannot campaign and win his own election by himself, how can he then govern by himself? Anyway Donald Trump called it right that JEB is a LOW ENERGY mama's boy who cannot man-o-man-o tie his own shoe lace.  GO TRUMP, Trump all the way.

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