Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Icheoku is just wondering whether it is not about time every defense of Jonathan and by everyone ended; so that Dr President Muhammadu Buhari can get hold of him and teach him some lesson on how not to play knee-jerk partisan politics; and/or accept defeat and concede an election without first abstracting water-tight binding concessions from the incoming president not to mess with his outgoing government. Icheoku has arrived at a conclusion that anyone continuing the present acceleration on Jonathan's defense-lane, should have a serious rethink. Defending Jonathan is increasingly becoming very difficult, a somewhat effort in futility and conscientiously too painful to carry on, especially with the latest disclosure that someone was paid over 900 million Naira by NIMASA for a non existent phony contract; and this Jonathan said there was no money to construct the second River Niger bridge? 

If he knew that the mess was this bad, why did he throw in the towel so easily and so quickly? Honestly, each time Icheoku sights this man of Otuoke, opening his mouth concerning the last election, were he a child, wishes that twelve lashes on his bare buttocks would be in order. Imagine the exposure which he has left so many of his faithfuls and is busy running around all over the place accepting useless awards at the expense of the protective shield of seat of power which he traded for nonsensical recognitions? Like a child, they are now giving him toys to distract him from the real deal which they snatched from him and which he so easily ponied up without even a single fight. Where does power ever yield so easily or was it not American President Jefferson who once boldly declared that the tree of democracy (liberty) must be watered from time to time with blood of citizens, both tyrants' and patriots'. Yet he told the world that he accepted defeat because he did not want to see Nigerians die defending his honor to a constitutionally provided second term in office. 

Icheoku says world recognitions and awards, my foot. Now the junta-like 'converted democrat's government have searched Jonathan's Vice President Namadi Sambo's office and are gradually inching their way towards their main target - the man of Otuoke. PMB and OBJ just met about twenty four hours ago to, as some would speculate, finalize their plans on how they will go about humiliating Jonathan; and when eventually those handcuffs are finally locked on his wrists, what a pitiful sight to behold it will be. Admitted that his governance was quite below par and that he lost the last election; but the fact that he conceded the election without proper consultations including securing guarantees that his behind as well as that of his disciples will be secured, left so much to be desired. The effect of that thoughtless act is manifesting itself n the very thick fog of uncertainty which has enveloped the land as well as all these other craps crawling all over the place. 

Icheoku says may be Jonathan should just please disappear and stay out of sight for now to allow people and Nigeria to heal. May be he should just go away somewhere for a fellowship in some university in Southern Australia or New South Wales or New Zealand or even Reykjavik, so that he can be momentarily forgotten now that the wounds he inflicted are still so fresh. It will do Nigerians a whole lot of good, especially psychologically, not to be bothered anymore with Jonathan or listen to what he has to say as no one is that really interested anymore in whatever he has to say regarding that election. Like many Nigerians, ICHEOKU often gets pissed off, thinking about all the things Jonathan could have done differently but which he sheepishly and naively failed to do right. Now look at where Nigeria is today; look at where Nigerians are today; look at where his party the PDP is today; look at where PDP members are today, especially those who worked their butts off fighting for his reelection. The people have found themselves being hounded all over the place like common curs and you wonder who brought about the fate upon them. It is simply painful and pathetic to say the least, that one man's indecisiveness and queasiness wrecked it for everyone.

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