Thursday, February 4, 2016


Icheoku says a flip-flopping Nurse Ratched who dances and somersaults on issues depending on the trajectory of polls. First she was against Gay marriage and strongly defended Defense of Marriage Act but now have swiveled 180 degrees to say that she is in support of Gay marriage. First she was against TPP but now claims she supports it. First she was for Canadian oil pipeline but now says she is against it. She was against Obamacare but now says she is all for it. She is in the back pockets of Jewish lobby groups and was against Iranian nuclear deal but now claims she engineered it; but without first obtaining a copyright patent permission to that claim from the man who truly and successfully pulled it off, Secretary of State John Kerry. 

She was also against two states solution to the Middle East Israeli/Palestine conflict, but now says she is supporting it. She was first against Jennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky but now claims she understands women issues and twill fight for them and that her husband, billy-goat Bill Clinton severally abused those women. First she was in support of Boko Haram, refused to brand them terrorists and advised President Obama against acting against them because they were simply innocent Muslim Northern Nigerian youths protesting a Southern Christian minority president who is marginalizing them. First she was dinning and winning Wall Street and did not disclose to Americans that she collected over $600,000 kickback packaged as speaking fees and NOW says she is against Wall Street. 

First she was against medical marijuana use but now claims she is so into it that even her husband once puffed a roach but did not inhale. Above all, she and her husband are racists, black haters, but pretending otherwise. What happened to Ron Brown? What did he say about Jesse Jackson running in 1988? What did he tell late Ted Kennedy about that boy Barack Obama who should be making and serving them tea than having a fairy tale desire of winning a White House presidential residency. Now you know why ICHEOKU, in addition to the Clinton and Bush fatigue, is horn-mad angry and up in arms against electing Hillary Clinton president. She is not the right woman to break the proverbial ceiling of a female American presidency. She is a fluky, candle in the wind, dancing with the poll, contriving and untrustworthy hag; a Jezebel of our time. The good news however is that Americans generally agree that this woman is not worthy of their trust and it is showing with a 75 year old grandpa wiping the floor with her. Icheoku says GO BERNIE; GO TRUMP; as either candidate is far better than an angry, vengeful and never makes eye-contact Hillary Clinton in the Oval office.

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