Saturday, February 13, 2016


Pain is usually the underneath of anger issues. People, while reacting to bottled up pain, always come across as angry and ready to tip over at the slightest provocation. Anger is a reaction and not necessary an action; it is simply a reaction to an already festering pain which has refused to go away. It is akin to an angry dog, which is reacting to abuse and torture or even hunger by barking and trying to bite anyone who comes its way. Such dog sees every person as an extension and continuation of the human-being who abused it and is ready to protect and defend itself from any further abuse. 

An angry person is a protective person, who made a conscience decision not to ever take any chances again by giving allowance to any possible relive of the horrible past experience of hurt which was suffered in the past. The solution, try to speak to the underlying pain and have it resolved; and then draw out the real person hiding and taking a protective shield behind the defensive anger. Such angry person does not want to be hurt again and reminded what he or she went through in the past or forced to live it all over again. In doing this, you will successfully bring out the compassion in the person and peradventure bring back the person; failing which he or she will continue to manifest an imbedded pain as anger and will be loathed by many as that angry bitch or dog.

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