Sunday, February 14, 2016


Icheoku says February 14th is today. The day the world of romantics celebrate Saint Valentine, the priest who one folklore said defrocked in order to marry his sweetheart. Another tradition has it that a priest facing execution, as a last act, wrote a 'Goodbye my love" letter to a girl he was smitten by, signing it off as "Your Valentine?" But  however you interpret it and possibly if you are among the many of the world who see it as a day for lovers to recommit themselves to one another, just be minded that love is a two way traffic lane. It goes both ways. 

You should never accept a situation of being merely tolerated and not fully accepted in any relationship as that is not love. Loving relationships should be on equal footing of desires, regardless. Therefore the only way to optimally, truly live a life of love and in love, is to be wanted and desired; but never to be merely accommodated or tolerated as a disposable means to achieving an end or objective. Like MKO Abiola once said, you cannot shave one's head in his absence; so before Cupid strikes, be mindful that it takes a haired head and a barbing hand to achieve a haircut. Happy Valentine's fellas and may you live to love and love to live.

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