Thursday, December 3, 2015


San Bernardino shooting suspect Syed Rizwan Farook.Icheoku had mistakenly called the shooting in San Bernadino California as having the hallmarks of white supremacists. But investigation by the authorities has revealed otherwise and we hereby apologetically retract that  suggestion. The suspects were a husband and wife of Pakistani origin, although the male suspect was born in Chicago, a Pakistani-American. Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, parents of a six months old girl, gunned down fourteen people and injured seventeen others in what has become one of the worst mass shooting in America in recent past. Their motive for the massacre is still undetermined although pundits are leaning heavily towards a terrorist attack. 

Icheoku says their mere bearing foreign sounding names and being practicing Muslims should not be the only criteria for branding this deranged couple, terrorists. Icheoku however agrees that their act amount to terrorizing the people and so also were all those other mass killers of the past who happen to be white, Asian or Black. Any such killing is designed to inflict maximum psychological damage on the populace and thus eminently qualifies as terrorism. Therefore irrespective of who dunnit, whether Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kazenski, Jeffrey Dhumer or now this latest gun-totting lunatic Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, they are all domestic terrorists, period. 

Further it does not matter what their motive were, whether they are disgruntled employees taking revenge on their perceived nemesis or they are anti-government lowlifes,  acting out their hatred on some soft targets.  Their act is heinous and condemnable and should be condemned by every sector of the society, regardless of the color of the perpetrator's skin or religion of worship. To this effect, therefore, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik are now added to the annals of American domestic terrorists and are headed to hell to rendezvous with the rest of their despicable fellows, hitherto dispatched. It is yet another very sad happenstance in America, where so many lives were senselessly cut short. 

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