Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Icheoku says the slaughter that has become analogous with life in America continued today as three possibly white domestic terrorists stormed a county's Christmas event in San Bernadino California, killing fourteen people, with seventeen others left critically wounded from gunshots. When added to the two suspects who were later chased down and killed by the police in their black SUV, that brings the number to sixteen, people killed following just one incident. 

It appears that Americans have somewhat become numb to these deaths by guns and no sooner than the investigation into todays carnage is completed would people move on with their lives, going about their business as if nothing happened; possibly filed away in their distance memory bank as just another one of the usual deaths by gun violence. A matter made worse by an inept and cowardly Congress, too afraid of the National Rifle Association to pass any meaningful sensible gun safety laws that would take guns away from some of these people who should not be in their possession in the first place. 

Today's mass killing in San Bernadino California brings to 355 the number of such shootings in America this 2015 alone; leaving more than 12,051 people dead and so many others wounded. Icheoku says what will it take for Americans to rise up and stand up to the NRA and force Congress to do something to curtail this senseless, now seemingly routine wastage of human lives in America? Quite unfortunate it is indeed; as Icheoku questions which ISIS terrorist is worst than these domestic terrorists, who by their skin color so easily blend in and are not easily identifiable, profiled and monitored. But hey, life goes on and only the good Lord is capable of keeping his people safe. Our condolences to the bereaved families who lost their loved ones in this yet another inexplicable terror on American soil and by white American white terrorists.

(FYI: Icheoku says if other races were involved in today's attacks, the police and media would have since  identified and pigeonholed them as such. Moreso such domestic terrorism have long since always been associated with white far right supremacists anarchists).

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