Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Icheoku says one passenger plane bombed out of the skies by none state actors is one humiliation already too many and now another plane, a Su-24 fighter jet, shot down by a state actor and the question is, would Vladimir Putin be able to contain his ego and not react in such a way that would trigger a third world war conflagration? This becomes imperative because a reprisal attack by Russia on Turkey would be an attack on NATO including the United States of America, a recipe for disaster. So how does Putin save face by retaliating for this downing of his country's war plane and yet not start a shooting war with NATO countries? Icheoku has no clue whatsoever but says the looming third world war is nearer today than it was yesterday. 

The downing of Russian fighter jet by Turkey is certainly one helluva changing equation in the whether to be or not to be threatening confrontation in the Middle East. Depending on how Putin's Russia responds, the world might be on the verge of the real mother of all wars. Although President Obama and French President Hollande have urged a deescalation of the matter and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has reaffirmed NATO' solidarity with Turkey, it appears the only one who could truly stop the situation from barreling down under is Russia's President Vladimir Putin. if he chooses not to retaliate, he will appear weak; but if he settles for a payback, then he will have the mighty force of NATO to contend with. Geo-politically, China, North Korea as well as Iran will be drawn into the conflict on the side of Russia; while the rest of none NATO countries will each chose sides according to their leaning; and then the will and economy will see either side through the war. 

Already President Putin has warned of "serious consequences", threatening that Russia "will never tolerate such crimes as was committed today" by what he called "the accomplices of terrorists.'Turkey's President Erdogan on his part said "nobody should doubt that we made our best efforts to avoid this latest incident. But everyone should respect the right of Turkey to defend its borders. Continuing he said that cool-headedness of Turkey had prevented worse incidents in the past. While Moscow maintained that no Turkish airspace was violated by their plane, Turkey restated that their airspace were violated multiple times and knowingly; and that Russia's plane did not heed repeated warnings to back off from approaching Turkey borders. 

Anyway as far as Icheoku is concerned, war is good and a global war much better because it will help rebuild the sputtering world economies and to an extent control the ever exploding world's population. Either way, the world is waiting to see how the current impasse is resolved as Icheoku prays it ends without shooting war.

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