Sunday, November 22, 2015


By death, that is. Life has an uncanny way of playing cruel joke on people. An irony of some sort it is, that a man who contested and was on the verge of winning a governorship election was red-carded by death and can no longer govern the state which he was being elected to govern? Query, if the APC governorship candidate Audu Abubakar knew that death was lurking this so near, would he have traded the effort at the governorship contest to make peace with his maker before the final call? If he was given a choice between remaining alive as a trade off for not running for the governorship election, how would he have pulled the trigger and exercised the option? 

All these are but inquiries of a curious mind and at best the "what ifs" and Monday night quarterbacking on the current development in Kogi State Nigeria as no one, including Audu Abubakar, had any inkling that his end-time was this near. Icheoku says it is a very good weapon of the Almighty that  he stealthily picks off whoever he desires and whenever he so wishes, without let or hindrance or any time to plead  please God wait just a minute as am not quite ready yet. But humans do not learn from life experiences otherwise certain actions would have been more circumspect rather than the usual acting and living like one will never die. 

Audu Abubakar was the fielded APC governorship candidate in the just conducted but determined inconclusive Kogi State  governorship election. His candidacy was rather a rude shocking surprise to many as it was everything contradictory to APC anti-corruption mantra. This was a former governor indicted and standing trial for money laundering and embezzlement of State funds by EFCC, yet President Muhammadu Buhari and his APC choose to ignore that fact of grave consequence and fielded him as their party's candidate, in their very selective prosecution of their war on corruption. But unbeknownst to them, the only one above all human frail and fallibility knows best and has now acted to end it all. Former Governor Audu Abubakar was 68 years old.

Icheoku says were William Shakespeare to be encapsulating this happenstance, probably he will couch it as the man who won the fight but lost the battle to govern Kogi State for the third time. Or one who won the governorship but lost the governance. Or one who was stopped cold at the gate to the governor's mansion at Lafia. Or one who like the biblical Moses saw the promised land but was not allowed to set his feet thereinunto; or who did all he could to and was nearly winning the governorship election except that his destiny ruled otherwise. 

Laughably though, were all the teaming "men and women of God" who pry in the business of retailing scripture and performing miracles; and who also claim to see tomorrow but who were blindsided by Audu's sudden death as it never appeared in their Ouija board or is it tarot cards? Icheoku says if a prophet could not and did not see something as huge as this guy's death or "God" did not reveal it to them, what else would be visible to them? But a very gullible society plagued by 419 con-men masquerading as men and women of God, would not give a damn about this catastrophic failure of the "anointed" ones in not prophesying Audu Abubakar's sudden death.

Icheoku recalls that the deceased promised to 'Bring Back' his looted ten billion Naira and reinvest same in the State if he wins the election? Now many people are wondering if he remembered to leave instructions to his bankers so that they could still effect the same. It appears Audu Abubakar was laboring under the weight of some debilitating illness for quite some time now. But regrettably, the Nigerian "big-man" syndrome or rather factor, which sees every bloated person as a sign of being rich, possibly foreclosed his seeking appropriate medical advise and adequate treatment before now. From his puffy look, possibly he had a heart condition or liver disease; but without an autopsy, cannot be conclusive and the real cause of his death might never be known. Like good people whose goodness are often interred with their bones, Audu Abubakar's plans for Kogi State this third time around, the real cause of his death as well as whatever he previously stole and promised to return and reinvest back in Kogi State shall now all be buried with him. Adieu Governor Audu Abubakar.

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