Saturday, August 1, 2015


"Oro is a deity worshipped across Yoruba land which forbids the women folk from going outdoors in the night during the week long festival celebrating the god." 

Icheoku says it is a good thing that some parts of Nigeria, the Yoruba Southwest, are still smart enough to know that not all the white man brought or told black Africans is true. At least before their advent in the continent, the African ancestors survived and thrived; forcing the question why must Africans always swallow everything Oyibo, line, hook and sinker. It is always theirs is good and African's is evil which led to the destruction of so  many very important African ways of life and worship. But hey, how long will this  their skewed distortion of facts continue as more and more smart people are beginning to raise serious question about the colonialists' bullcrap baloney that everything Africa was heathen. Icheoku is however afraid that very soon all those wild-eyed feminist liberation theologists of Nigeria will start agitating that the festival is discriminatory by barring women from coming out at night. Icheoku wonders whether leading the protest is something the 'Bring Back Their Girls' ugly duckling Oby Ezekwesili will also like to add to her resume`and thereafter grant her first anti-Oro festival activist's interview to CNN Christine Amampour. 

Icheoku says happy Oro festival celebration to all the sons and daughters of Oduduwa. May you continue to be the prideful custodians of black African's traditions and may you never tire upholding same. Icheoku laments that the white man told Africans so many lies and Africans lost so much to these lies including very rich traditions. Thankfully Oro Festival survived and is still being celebrated and this period is its time. Way to go Yorubas and more grease to your elbow.

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