Sunday, August 2, 2015


Icheoku says the inability of President Muhammadu Buhari to find 36 upright and honest men and women in Nigeria to lead his ministries is a straight-laced indictment of his party, the APC. It shows that corruption and dishonesty is not the exclusive preserve of the ousted Peoples Democratic Party members but a scourge afflicting the entire body fabric of Nigeria to which members of the All Progressive Congress constitute a significant part thereof. A possible pharisaic disposition of the APC ignoring the log in their own eyes while sanctimoniously pointing at the spec in the PDP's eye, one would argue?

Icheoku says so the PDP membership should stop hiding their faces in shame and instead forcefully stand up to the APC and challenge them to show Nigerians their incorruptible and non corrupt members. Otherwise how else can the APC explain that with their membership in excess of more than thirty six individuals, yet the president cannot find thirty six honest individuals to make ministers? It is a stunning verdict on the APC that they cannot hand the president mere thirty six decent members of their party to make ministers. It shows that they are not practicing what they preach; but are as horrible if not more horrendous than the PDP they are haranguing for being inept and corrupt. The logic is pure and simple; except that no one seems to be in charge of messaging in the now moribund PDP. But hey, it is their cross so let them bear it as the now cornered and being pummeled under-dogs of Nigerian politics. What a fate; what a shame; and how is the mighty fallen, face-down to the dust. Icheoku says to APC, please show the president your thirty six honest members so that he can name them ministers, Nigerians are waiting.

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