Thursday, July 2, 2015


Icheoku says the hullabaloo and perplexity surrounding the recent United States of America Supreme Court's decision to legitimize sodomy is principally being fueled by the Bible. A same sex marriage decision which would not have taken the current air of a great infamy if only the white people that wrote the bible had edited out that tale of Sodom and Gomorrah. This would have nipped the issue in the bud and being so preempted, nobody including Icheoku, would have any serious issue or hard feelings reconciling the current irreconcilable difference between what they originally wrote is a frowned behavior and the sudden somersault now approving same. So going from a once an abominable act to now an acceptable behavior is what got people giddy and confused as to which triumphs over what? 

It is a given that a none existent infraction is not an infraction per se; but where a behavior is religiously 'codified' as a frowned act in the bible then it makes necessary sense that people would question what they already know as juxtaposed with what is now being indoctrinated. It would ordinarily have been okay or at least not raise much of an eyebrow if that is what some people want; moreso since there would not have been anything in the bible which otherwise is prohibitive of such behavior. But where it is explicitly a prohibited conduct as elaborately told in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the same people who wrote the bible are the same people now propagating this inconvenient relationship, the question becomes, on the fork of the current road, which way is the right way? 

Icheoku asks is it therefore the obvious perdition which is tantamount to an express one-way ticket to hell or the unsettled biblical verses which have now become even more doubtful as a result of this pivoting? Icheoku says you decide which road to follow, but like Joshua said to the people of Israel Icheoku will remain conservative on this question and will take a cue from animals as to the way going forward short of what is already known. So until animals too start same-sexing or stops being straight, Icheoku's position on sex and marital relationship is that the status-quo should be maintained and remain unchanged. The world cannot continue to bend backwards just to accommodate some negligible percentage of its population peculiar lifestyle. Query:- will polygamy and polyandry or bestiality be next?  

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