Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Icheoku says it appears now a very plausible  argument to make that the Nigeria's women Team Falcons' loss to the United States of America's women's team in the FIFA Women World Cup Canada 2015 championship was not a fluky occurrence afterall. The same team USA just handed world ranked number one team Germany 2-0 in a semi finals match to anchor a berth in the finals; proving conclusively that they are indeed a better side and that the unsportsmanlike attitude of disgruntled Nigeria's coach Edwin Okon, who refused to shake the hands of the USA coach Jill Ellis at the end of their game was rather uncouth and lamentable. Icheoku wishes the Coach Jill Ellis led side all the best in their Sunday finals match against whichever country wins the England v Japan other semi-finals match later today. 

Icheoku recalls that it is the same coach Jill Ellis who was being pilloried by some section of the American media as well as soccer analysts for her "un-tactical" handling of the team. The same crop of humans, who in their usual fashion, never finds anything good or useful in a "foreign" born coach, coaching an American side and were up in arms to frustrate her effort preparatory to lining her up for the firing range. They criticized everything and anything she did, regardless of the successful outcome; and even when the team won Colombia with two goals margin, they still criticized her for not scoring a dozen goals instead? Icheoku was glad when the coach finally took it to them, admonishing that this is a world cup and what is imperative is to win and advance, regardless. In coach Jill's words, "This is the world cup. I am satisfied with advancing. Most goals in World Cup tournaments. a majority of them, come on set pieces; we've been brilliant. It is about finding a way. I thought we stroked the ball around pretty well. So, yeah, I'm pleased with where we are." 

Icheoku says very well and eloquently put and now, America knows who is doing the right thing by and for Team USA in the FIFA Women's World Cup Canada 2015. This is exactly what putting one's money where one's mouth is, looks like; and what other better way to do this than to roll over world's number one side Team Germany resoundingly and with two un-replied goals. A finalist in the last 2011 edition of the tournament, Team USA, having gone through women soccer powerhouse China and now Germany, is more poised to lift the championship cup this time. Icheoku is convinced that irrespective of who wins between England and Japan, Team USA will face them, more assured and determined, to win the championship on Sunday. Icheoku says congratulations Team USA and their able coach Jill Ellis for their brilliant performance in the tournament thus far and in anticipation of their lifting the championship cup on Sunday. Team USA have already proved themselves worthy champions of this year's tournament and Icheoku cannot wait for their final icing on the cake on Sunday. Well done for a job so far well done and brilliantly so far executed; so bring home the cup Team USA. Bravo!!!

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