Sunday, June 14, 2015


Icheoku says it always amazes me when people say they don't know how to loss their weight or that they have tried everything possible but still cannot seem to lose some pounds? Icheoku asks have these people ever tried sealing up their mouths for crying out loud and watch their weight go down like a Somalian refugee? The science of weight gain and weight loss is as basic as ABCD; as both are a function of either excessive binging or lack of much to eat either.  

Biology and nutritional science have proved that when the body is over-supplied with food which it cannot absorb nor wants, it stores the excess as body fat leading to weight gain. Conversely, when the body is deprived of nutrition, it resorts to scrapping any body fat available, leading to emaciation or what one folk would call looking "skeletal?" So like the computer axiom garbage in garbage out, your body responds to what you put into it; so less food, means your body will shrink and excessive food, means your body will balloon. It is as simple as that and any person, whether your doctor or nutrition scientist or even your personal trainer who tells you otherwise is simply trying to keep your relationship of his or her services alive. The experiment is something that has been severally undertaken by so many researchers including Icheoku and the result has always been the same - the more you eat the more weight you gain and the less you eat the less weight you gain. Like the NFL linebackers who are literally required to force-feed themselves in order to pack the pounds and the Hollywood bulimics who are required to stayed figured to keep their jobs, it is all about your level of gluttony. The more the weightier and the less the lighter. 

A researcher once traveled through East African countries of Somalia, Eritrea, Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia to investigate why the inhabitants over there are always slim and trim.  His findings, they don't have much to eat and the little they have, they do not usually binge on. They only eat the minimal required to nourish their bodies and keep them going; unlike some other cultures which believe that fat stomachs and fat buttocks are signatures of well to do folks and evidence of good living. So today, all those fat slobs out there who are wondering what they can do to shed off some weight, the magic is simple - make a conscientious effort to zip your mouth and you will see the miracle you have been praying for come to pass. Forget about all those workouts and aerobics, weight loss pills, calorie this calorie that diets, just quit eating and watch your weight drop like mercury drops in winter. 

When Icheoku says zip your mouth, it does not mean starve yourself to death; no, just moderate your eats, completely eliminating one or two of your daily three meals regime and watch your weight drop. Just remember to pack the one meal left with a lot of proteins. You will not die feeding on one meal a day ration; many war refugees as well as famine victims including starved Biafrans survived on less. Just condition your body to accept the new ration as the new normal and your body will adjust accordingly. All it takes is the discipline to try and a trial will convince you. Icheoku asks any fat or obese person out there willing to have a go at this panacea, to receive a handsome reward from us at the drop of the first fifty pounds or more, using this time tested and honored best weight loss method known to man. Icheoku challenges you today, all the fat people of this world, to challenge yourself today and do it for not only for an improved look but also a better health. Obesity is a disease and why suffer in vain, especially for something you have a control over - your intake valve, your mouth. So instead of quivering in front of mirrors and wondering how did 'I get here;' do something about it and do it now. Zip up your mouth and watch your body offload the excessive load you forced it to labor under. It is your life and personality that is at stake, so do something about it and TODAY.

1 comment:

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