Monday, May 4, 2015


Icheoku says the sea to the shinning sea did not once again provide buffer to America as two terrorists struck in Texas, although unsuccessfully. But unfortunately for both terrorists, they messed with a wrong state and only if they had heard the phrase 'don't mess with Texan.' Both munchkins were dispatched on a speedy express to go meet with their seventy virgins by a watchful marksman and for this bravery, the untold terror they had planned was nipped in the bud, with them being the only casualty of the attack. It appears that both seas protects only against terror from overseas but never home-grown domestic terrorism or one carried out internally such as Osama Bin Laden's World Trades Center's 9/11 attack, Timothy McVeigh's Oklahoma City bombing as well as this Garland's free speech event attack. However, Icheoku says thank you officer for saving the day and again for denying these animals another recruiting propaganda tool. Imagine what would have happened had they succeeded in muzzling free speech right inside here in America, the bastion of free speech? Luckily they were no match to the skills of the highly trained traffic officer who put a stop to their maniacal escapade. 

Terrorists Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi (first and second respectively pictured below) tried storming a free speech event organized by Pam Geller, featuring Islamic Prophet Mohammed cartoons, inside Curtis Culwell Center in Garland Texas, a suburb of Dallas. They were dressed in armored, armed with assault rifles and explosives but were stopped cold from reaching their target by an eagle-eyed off duty officer moonlighting as a guard. There is no authoritative information however whether their main target was the wider audience or a Dutch politician, Geert Wilders, already on Al Queida most wanted list of infidels who was billed to speak at the event. But thankfully, it ended well as the two anarchists became the only victims of their own device. Icheoku says how does anyone protect against an enemy within their midst but through prayers and eternal vigilance. 

With the terror in Texas, vigilance now becomes more heightened since many of these terrorists are already here, simply laying low and waiting for the appropriate time to crawl out of their terror-planning holes to cause mayhem. Icheoku says to these fanatics, why not let your prophet Mohammed fight his own battles, if he cares; afterall Jesus Christ as well as Buddha and other gods and goddesses of African traditional religions are always written about all the time without such incendiary reaction from their faithfuls. So why must it be only Muslims that must kill and maim people just because their prophet was talked about? Icheoku says these people need to wake up and realize that this is now twenty first century and not the last millennium or those ancient times when fables are told to timid souls, who believing same, go about fighting stupid wars based on faith. Icheoku borrowing Rodney King's words, says, please can we all just get along, religion or no religion!
Nadir Soofi

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