Monday, May 4, 2015


Icheoku says not when it saved the day and prevented the proverbial cat fight that would have seen three opposing interests clawing themselves bloody in their attempt to keep their names in the fore. There is Princess Kate Middleton who wanted a name to reflect her family through a sister named Charlotte; there is Prince William who wanted a name to reflect his own late mother Princess Di and of course the matriarch of the family and Queen of England, Elizabeth, the queen who must be obeyed and who wanted her great grand daughter to carry the torch of her name. Brilliantly, a clever way of accommodating these disparate interests was devised, hence a three names bearing princess and the future Queen of England, the fourth in the line of succession. Icheoku wonders if Camille made a fuss about adding her own name to her step grand daughter' many names too? Anyway, all hail to Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, the latest addition to the family of Prince William and Duchess Kate. May the princess and future possible queen of England live long and thrive, now you know why names matter. 

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