Monday, May 11, 2015


Icheoku says it has happened again, the continuing shedding of spousal blood by Nigerians living in the United States of America. This time, in Vice President Joe Biden's home state of Delaware, a Nigerian wife and mother of two, stabbed her sleeping Nigerian husband to death; using a kitchen knife,  severing his carotid artery and jugular vein. According to the story, the couple were having a long-running domestic dispute, which led to the husband moving out of the couple's master's bedroom upstairs and moved into the visitor's spare bedroom downstairs, where he has been sleeping alone for quite some time. On this faithful night, following another episode of their now regular nightly fights, the husband retired for the evening in his new sleeping quarters; but unbeknownst to him, his wife was not finished just yet with him. While the traumatized and frightened husband was sleeping, his death-merchant wife from hell kneed open his locked door open and savagely stabbed the husband to death. The husband bled like the fountain of Pompeii and Julius Caesar to his death, while the wife waited before calling 911. 

Temitope Adebamiro, 35 years old Yoruba Nigerian killed her husband Adeyinka Adebamiro, 37 years old, also Yoruba Nigerian on April 27, 2015. The couple have two children. The wife from hell has been indicted for first degree murder and if convicted, faces a death penalty or an automatic sentence of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole or any type of early release. This means that barring any attenuating circumstances to mitigate the charge or in some way exculpate the accused and save her from being convicted, her life as she knows it is finished and over. It is either she is executed or she dies in prison, but there is no middle ground of her ever walking free again. 

Icheoku rejects as pathetic, the necessary implication from her statements so far, that her husband's abuse and cheating forced her hand because she had the option of walking away, including divorcing him. But she didn't; instead, she meticulously planned his death and then waylaid him while asleep and viciously carved him up, slitting his throat to ensure that he died; and then waited until he bled out before calling 911. The sleeping husband never had a fighting chance but was brutally murdered in cold blood while in in dreamland, probably dreaming about a beautiful reconciliation with his estranged wife now turned husband killer-wife? His dream that the demon which possessed his wife would let go and set her free turned into his worst nightmare from which he never had a break or escape by waking up. The man is now dead, killed with a kitchen knife, by a very wicked killer-wife, whom he ushered into his home in marriage and whom he had planned to spend the rest of his life with. Worse still, the couple come from Yoruba Southwestern Nigeria, where culturally, men are allowed to indulge themselves and often times could even take extra wives, if they so desire. So what otherwise is this Jezebel arguing, assuming her late husband indeed cheated on her? Is taking his life and in this very violent manner her most viable option in the circumstance?

Icheoku is emphatic that this is not a case where provocation will come readily or handy to the aid of this husband-killer. She had a long cooling time of over six months since the alleged cheating took place and several years since the alleged abuse took place, when she was pregnant, so what is she talking about now? Icheoku says it does not even help her case that she is a very poor liar, who has told several versions of the event leading to her husband being killed; and such a lying scumbag does not usually receive favorable disposition of the jury. Imagine a venerate liar, forgetting that she lives in the United States of America and not Nigeria, where chronic NEPA (PHCN) problem had persisted, lying about a power outage in their home during the murder of her husband? But unfortunately, for her, she forgot that there is something called records and that computers track such power outages and there was none shown contemporaneous to the time of the murder or any other time around it, either before or soon after around their neighborhood. 

Anyway, Icheoku has nothing to add at this time, but laments the near total collapse of family structures among Nigerians in diaspora by reason of obnoxious spouses who have forgotten the culture that raised them and instead are emulating white peoples dysfunctional family units, leading to all these heinous spousal killings. Please Nigerians, enough of these spousal killings as it is alien to the culture from which you came. May the soul of Adeyinka Adebamiro now rest and may the killer-wife receive the justice which she denied her husband. Nothing ever justifies taking the laws into anyone's hand especially when such leads to the taking of another's life. What a shame to motherhood; what a shame to wifehood and what a shame to Nigerians in Diaspora. It is sad and sadder that it is becoming more recurrent and more vicious. As at today, Icheoku has recorded about one hundred of such killing by Nigerian spouses of their spouses. What a shame.

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