Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Icheoku says peradventure Nigeria's Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Pius Anyim, is indeed lucky to be living in Nigerian and not in North Korea; otherwise the notoriously sleepy government senior official would have since been gone, obliterated with an anti-aircraft missile because of his sleepiness? That was the fate suffered by North Korea's defense minister, Hyon Yong-Choi, who was executed for "disrespectfully" sleeping in an event wherein the North Korea leader Kim Jong Un attended. Icheoku says to all those Nigerians who do not cherish the freedom festooned on the country by the outgoing President Goodluck Jonathan, may be they should  consider relocating to Pyongyang so that they can have a taste of what living in a gulag really is like. Imagine executing such a high level government official simply for falling asleep while the leader spoke? 

Thankfully Icheoku understands what living freely feels like and does not joke with it; hence sympathizes with the remaining officials and people under chains in North Korea for the fate which befell them when this bloody-thirsty mongrel ascended to power. A lunatic midget, suffering the Bonaparte syndrome and who is now finding so much fun in killing his own people, including government officials, one official at a time, every week. Worse still, officials cannot and are not allowed to even resign if they wanted and must hang in there until it is their turn to face the music. Recall that the leader had previously fed his own uncle Jang Song Thaek to a pack of starving wild dogs, which tore him to pieces and ate him for dinner, simply for alleged disloyalty and planned overthrow of his government. And when his auntie, the devoured uncle's wife, Kim Kyong Hu complained, he had her tea laced with cyanide and summarily dispatched her to go join her late husband. 

Icheoku says when Nigerians thought that they saw it all with IBB cruelty and believed that the evil genius Ibrahim Babangida was too maniacal for killing Gideon Orkar and fellow coup plotters with sticks of dynamite; this North Korean leader appears to have outdone IBB by using an anti-aircraft missile to completely obliterate an ordinary human being in this manner. What a country under chains, with a very bloody beast as its leader; a leader who is now devouring his own people and in this twenty first century world while a stupefied world stands by and helplessly watches. Indeed, very pitiful.

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