Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Icheoku says if married to this Baltimore woman, would divorce her on grounds of her classless public display of child abuse, assault and battery; and will also urge her immediate arrest and prosecution. Query, if she doesn't want her son to be a Freddie Gray, did Freddie Gray's mother desire the fate suffered by her son due to no apparent fault of his but a result of brutish police who broke his spinal cord leading to his slow painful death. What indeed is this woman telling the world that Freddie Gray in any way caused his own death in the hands of the Baltimore police? Would this woman, similarly situated and grieving for the loss of her son like Freddie Gray's mother, not desire other people to stand up for her deceased son? If yes, why prevent her own son from standing up for another woman's cop-killed Freddie Gray? 

Icheoku bemoans this is not how to protect a child from harm as charity begins and should begin from home. If only she did her homework, instructing her son in the best behavioral manners, may be her son would have known how best to protest and without the need of allegedly hauling anything at a panicky police. But no, here is a failed woman, who failed in her job as a good mother and who did not raise her son well enough to know better, publicly displaying the stuff she is made of? An abusive mother pummeling her defenseless son who respectfully did not respond in like manner. Icheoku is emphatic that Toya Graham's show of shame is condemnable as unbecoming of any mother, taking the laws into her hand and publicly assaulting and battering her son in this manner. A son who was merely participating in a peoples mass action, protesting the killing of a fellow human being and an African American young male, the new endangered species of America. 

It was not an ordinary smacking but a prosecutable battery offense and the Baltimore DA should look into hauling this woman in for prosecution. It is not her place to strike her son and repeatedly, regardless; and any decent mother would have rather cajoled her son out of the protest without the need to lawlessly punch him around in the head and against laws of battery and assault. Imagine the effant-terrible this woman is probably behind closed doors if she could put up this amount of shameful display publicly and without regards to the millions of eyes trained on her. Icheoku wonders whether such behavior possibly drove away the men in her life, including the baby daddy of the very unfortunate victim of her abuse, assault and battery. 

So what if he is her only son? So what if she does not want anything to happen to him and so what if he becomes another Freddie Gray or does she think her son is better than Freddie Gray? Did Freddie Gray's mother want what happened to him happen? Icheoku asks if not her son Michael, who else does this bitchy woman want to be "out there doing that?" If every woman and mother of a child in Baltimore had smacked down their son out of the protest, how else would the killing of Freddie Gray be put in the conscience of the world or America, admitted we are gradually going numb of such killings leading to their repeat occurrences and almost on a regular basis now. Who the heck does this Baltimore woman think she is or that her son's life is more valuable than all those young black Americans marching for all their brothers killed by police thus far including the latest victim Freddie Gray? A single mother of six children and you wonder how many baby-daddies she had and what happened to all of them and where they are possibly now? 

Toya Graham conveniently denounced the violence and vandalism, but cleverly forgot it was a reaction to an action? She also choose to forget denouncing the police for killing yet another innocent unarmed African American young man in her Baltimore? Did she not understand that her son Michael sees himself as another Freddie Gray waiting to happen and was merely proactively calling attention to that fact of consequence of every black young male in America; and also the continuing police brutality and killing of young African Americans in American cities? Icheoku says instead of 'shielding a sixteen year old young man in the house so that he wont go outside,' why did she not first consider not bringing him forth into an American society that its police needlessly and randomly kills African Americans young males? Since Toya Graham admittedly 'will not do that shielding for the rest of her life,' why is Toya Graham even trying now and not allow the boy to learn how to be a survivor in the street creed of atypical black American life? Why mess him up now shielding him, only for him to later turn into a sissy-man who cannot fend for himself in the absence of a very controlling mother who publicly smacked him around? 

Icheoku asks if this woman is this 'intolerant and everybody knows her as such,' is she therefore not a proper and fit candidate for an anger management class or even an outright institutionalized confinement for psychotic disorder, possible evaluation and treatment? If her son's first instinct upon sighting her was to take to the hills for his dear life, shouldn't this be enough grounds for the traumatized son to be removed from such abusive mother? Why should the city of Baltimore acting through their child protective services allow this intolerable degree of child abuse to continue and continuously allow this boy to remain in such an abusive home without a protective shelter somewhere, especially without a father at home to protect him from his mother's choleric behavior? Icheoku disagrees that this is how to 'take care of a child' as an abusive mother cannot and should never be allowed to hide under the canopy of caring for a child to subject such a child to this degree of physical abuse, assault and battery. 

Icheoku maintains that this woman of Baltimore deserves to be prosecuted for assault and battery instead of the unmerited praise some apologists are giving to her for her unlawful act. Worst still she did not give her son the option to come away from the protest before flying off in her fist of fury and pummeling him on the head. If not her son, who? What if it was her son Michael that was murdered by the police, would she not want other Michaels of Baltimore standing up for him? What if it was her son that had his spinal cord severed by the police and died a painful death as a result, would she rather his death is abandoned as inconsequential and/or a none issue  event? But as far as she is concerned, it will not be her son standing up for another woman's cop-killed son? Icheoku says publicly putting up such a show of shame is despicable and condemnable and should be so treated by all without making excuses as this woman deserves to be locked away for a vagrant abuse of her son. 

Icheoku says if Martin Luther King's mother had been in the way or Malcolm X mother had slapped him around in this fashion, possibly African Americans would still have remained one fifth human beings in America? But here is Toya Graham, enjoying achieved civil rights gains by other women's sons, but who would not stand seeing her own son contribute in some way to enshrining it? Toya Graham is enjoying the fruits of other women's sons activism but would want none of that of her own son? What a shame indeed it is when some people would not want to put their skin in the game but desires the benefits of a game, which brave and courageous African Americans played and which those Baltimore young men are fighting to consolidate today. As far as Icheoku is concerned, there is nothing wrong with Toya Graham's son Michael coming of age as a young man, participating in a protest march against a police that arbitrarily and continuously kills young African American as if their lives don't matter and without consequences whatsoever. To the bitchy woman of Baltimore, Toya Graham, that publicly put out this level of show of shame, abuse, assault and battery on her son and prevented him from participating in a worthy cause of protesting police brutality including hurt and death, Icheoku says SHAME ON YOU!

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