Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Icheoku congratulates the All Peoples Congress for rising up to the occasion  and overruling its president-elect Muhammadu Buhari in his unilateral decision to reintroduce his infamous Decree 4 through the backdoor. By repudiating the ban Muhammadu Buhari placed on AIT coverage of his affairs, the APC has once again reassured Nigerians that they are prepared to put their efferent-terrible president-elect Muhammadu Buhari on a leach and prevent him from reliving his draconian 1983 to 1985 rule over Nigerians. 

Many Nigerians had feared this would be the case with the elected Muhammadu Buhari, the self-acclaimed converted democrat but who suddenly had a memory lapse that democracy comes with unabridged freedoms including freedom of speech when he banned AIT from all its affairs. But luckily enough some men with balls are still enjoying the membership of the APC and had risen up to say, not in our name and not under our watch, would the much fought for freedom Nigerians are enjoying now for the past sixteen years be allowed to be stifled by a draconian tyrant masquerading as a converted democrat. Icheoku says such action by the APC gives Nigerians reason to believe that despite their fears of Muhammad Buhari, there will be some sheriff in town to checkmate his excesses. What a light of relief at the end of the dark tunnel this development is and every Nigerian should therefore commend the APC for this bold audacity to call their president-elect to order. Icheoku stands with AIT and also for freedom for Nigerians as well as their media! Long live freedom and long live freedom watchdogs.

1 comment:

  1. Buhari denies barring AIT, blames overzealous aides
    April 29, 2015

    Nigeria’s president-elect Muhammadu Buhari, has instructed all his staff, including the personnel attached directly to him, to steer clear of all dealings with the media, and leave all media affairs to his official media team.
    In a statement in Abuja on Wednesday, April 29, by the Directorate of Media and Publicity of the APC Presidential Campaign Council, Mr. Buhari aligned himself with the pronouncement of his party, the All Progressives Congress, APC which had earlier expressed disagreement with the temporary barring of the African Independent Television (AIT) from covering his activities.
    “I would like everyone to henceforth stay within his/her defined area of responsibility,” Mr. Buhari said.
    The president-elect added that his media team should be left to continue to deal with their media colleagues in the best possible way.
    According to the statement, Mr. Buhari was neither consulted nor informed about the AIT barring, and only became aware of the matter after the public uproar it generated.
    “The time of CHANGE has come,” he said, “and we must avoid making the same mistakes that the outgoing government made.”
