Thursday, April 2, 2015


Icheoku says congratulations to Nigeria's President in the waiting Muhammadu Buhari. Like America's Abraham Lincoln, Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari is today another living testimony that perseverance pays off and that if one is committed to his or her dreams and does not give up, something nice usually awaits down the pike. Three times beaten and fourth time won in presidential contests, is quite an impressive record indeed. Icheoku says Muhammadu Buhari won the presidential election handsomely and convincingly; and anyone begrudging him that honorable accomplishment is but a linguine-spined truth-denier who should be simply ignored. 

Now that the election has been won, the task at hand must indeed truly begin as expectations of Nigerians from the incoming government of Muhammadu Buhari is to say the least, many and very great. Needless to add that the soon to be new occupant of Aso Rock generously made a lot of promises himself and Nigerians will hold him to perform on fulfilling all of them. PE Muhammadu Buhari must deliver on this expectation to justify the clamor that led to his near landslide victory, especially over an incumbent that was literally railroaded out of Aso Rock by amalgamated forces, both foreign and domestic, and beyond anyone's imagination. So deliver, he must and no excuses whatsoever will satiate the yawning Nigerian people who came out in droves to usher him into the presidency. He also has much to prove to all those others who did not believe he is the medicine needed for Nigeria's ailment and peradventure make them to start believing.

But as far as Icheoku is concerned, we are neither impressed nor moved thus far; especially since he has not yet apologized for those three innocent Nigerians he murdered for a non death-penalty offense. It is nothing personal; but Icheoku strongly feels much violated that these three lives were needlessly wasted and still PE Muhammadu Buhari has not found it in his heart, a fit and proper thing to do, to say he is sorry for depriving these Nigerians their right to life. But regardless, Nigerians adjudged otherwise and have given him a second chance to prove himself of deserving their trust. Icheoku says he earned it and we join those millions of Nigeria in welcoming him to Aso Rock. Icheoku will be watching the incoming  government like a hawk watches a chic and will be laser-focused to ensure that his feet is held to the fire in fulfilling all those campaign promises he made. 

During the said campaign PE Muhammadu Buhari promised among many things to look forward and not be vindictive with past governments. Icheoku says this is good politics and hopes he supremely lives through the promise with avid determination to move Nigeria forward. Also, he promised to stabilize world oil market and while others mocked, Icheoku fiercely defended him, hoping that his contacts in the Middle East especially the House of Saud will help him see this through. Further PE Muhammadu Buhari promised to equalize the Naira to the dollar and millions of Nigerians will like to see this promise kept too. Icheoku hopes that his  White House minders and sponsors will help him walk this talk too since they have successfully imposed their will on Nigerians. Needless to add that they will likely very soon invite him to visit and might equally follow it up with their own official first visit to Nigeria in solidarity? It is also likely that the branded "mean-spirited" Nigerian military will soon be re-baptised "angel-like" and all their military needs met and supplied, even free of charge. Icheoku understands the name of the game - it is, "do what we tell you and you are in our good books", quick pro quod.

So while wishing PE Muhammadu Buhari all the best in his administration's promise to right all the wrongs of the past decades, including the infra-dignities of his first time around, Icheoku hopes he learnt a lesson or two from his soon to be predecessor President Goodluck Jonathan as follows:-  
Lesson number one:- President Jonathan showed how it is done by graciously conceding defeat and did not cause the "blood of baboons and dogs" or rather "jackals and hyenas" to flow; as he kept his promise that no ambition including the presidency of Nigeria is worth the life of any Nigerian. 
Lesson number two:- that no matter what Miyetti Allah or other Hausa/Fulani power blocks might say or try to hoodwink Buhari into, that he never forgets the man who made him president and remember to keep him very close. Whatever the case, that Buhari do not ever repeat the past mistake of President Jonathan who was misled into falling out with his own godfather and he paid dearly for that because he forgot that he who made someone can also unmake that someone. 
Lesson number three:- never allow the overbearing influences of his wife to affect his governance or allow her to literally take over his government and determining who becomes friends or enemies of the president. 
Lesson number four:- please always dress nationally and never allow his traditional babaringa dominate his outfits and turn him into a regional champion or northern president as that hat unfortunately turned Jonathan. Other nationalities constitute Nigeria and they always feel isolated when their supposed president only identifies with only a particular tribe or nationality, forcing them to query, is he really for us or against us?

Finally, if PE Muhammadu Buhari finds the grace in his heart to work to earn the trust of the people of the former Biafra, by making them inclusive in his government and keeping his election promises to them, that will go a long way in endearing him to them. This is imperative so that during a  second term run, at 77 years of course, the people will have the opportunity and reason to reciprocate the love with their compound votes. Admitted that at 81 by the time of finishing his second term, Nigeria will be on record too as having had the oldest president in Africa if not the world, second only to Zimbabwe and their 91 year old Robert Mugabe. Why not, if not; and just for the records, Icheoku together with many other media operators will surely put to the test President Muhammadu Buhari's pledge that he is now a converted democrat and that he will not muzzle the press but govern with deference to rule of law; that decree 4 will not be reincarnated under any alias whatsoever. Good luck and all the best Mr President-elect; and please remember goodluck is just a wish and not the outgoing president. Congratulations President-elect Muhammadu Buhari. 

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