Friday, April 3, 2015


Icheoku says when their fellow country men and women are making waves throughout the world from heading Microsoft to other Fortune 500 companies, some of their misfits are busy either raping seventy-seven year old nun or trying to scam people over the Internet using a voice over the Internet protocol number (909) 575 1009. But such is not surprising in a country of over 1.3 billion human-beings as in every twelve there is bound to always be a Judas. This scammers had left a message on the answering machine with specific instruction to call them back as they are in the process of commencing a prosecution over some unnamed matter on behalf of the United States government. 

When called back, Icheoku nearly had a heart situation listening to this Indian accented munchkin threatening thunder and brimstone and purporting to be working for the United States government. However when Icheoku pointed out that his allegations have no way in hell of crystallizing, because they are baseless and only exists in his imagination, he said not to interrupt him as he reeled out "criminal charges" which according to him are contained in a writ that would see Icheoku doing a hefty time. Being an area not within practice knowledge, an expert was consulted who immediately concluded it must be a scam as the United States government does not approach persons so threateningly. However, he conducted a little search online only to confirm his hunch as the VOIP number used in placing the call and which was answered too, has since been flagged on the Internet as belonging to some Indian criminal gang of scam-artists. 

But relieved, Icheoku was, as no one easily fights any government successfully, especially a United States government with limitless resources. So as a public service, Icheoku decided to key in this ALERT so that you should be wary, just in case they get your number and decided to try their luck with you. It is a scam, so either you do not answer it or you can place the number in your 'do not receive calls (block calls)' list or just pick up the phone and tell them how you really feel about scumbags. The number once again is (909) 575 1008 and their accent is so INDIAN you can literally smell curry oozing from their gaddam mouth. But hey, this is not to disparage the good and well behaved Indians, but it is good to always isolate the bad apple before it contaminates the rest. Icheoku says may be Prime Minister Narendra Modi should add stopping these bad Indians in his to-do list before they soil the good reputation of his people; admitted it is going to be one very heavy lifting for a man already bursting at the seams in his gargantuan  task of trying to sanitize India. What a shame!

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