Friday, March 6, 2015


Icheoku says rumors are rife that the fugitive National Security leaker, Edward Snowden, is homesick and desperately seeking to be allowed to come back to the United States from his present hold-out in Russia. Icheoku says on no account whatsoever should that traitor be ever allowed back to the United States, not after his damaging betrayal of our national security, breaching the trust reposed on him with access to sensitive national security materials. Icheoku says his acts endangered both the United States, our allies and our very own people and the damage he caused is uncorrectable and very far reaching. 

Icheoku says except he wants to come back to the United States to die and be buried in an unmarked grave, his longing to come back must be denied and remains a wishful thinking only. The only exception however is for him to accept to come back on a one-way, death penalty indictment and trial for treason term; following which he would be summarily executed when and not if convicted. Icheoku maintains that not even a life without the possibility of parole would suffice, as then he would have to be sustained with United States taxpayers money, the same people he jeopardized their security by leaking essentials of their protection. To this is added that no European nation either should ever agree to grant the fugitive any asylum and any attempt by any on them to so do should be treated by the United States as an unfriendly act and necessary sanctions placed on such country accordingly. 

So Edward Snowden remains a fugitive from justice of the United States government and people; and stands banished from the United States and all its territories, their friends and other countries outside his present abode Russia. Away with traitor, execute the traitor upon sight and get it over with. What a spineless coward who stabbed America at the back and now wants to come back to the same country he wished untoward harm. What a shriveling son of a bastard this evil called Edward Snowden is, who doesn't belong in the land of the free and home of the brave. He neither deserves freedom nor belongs to the brave; as he did not appreciate what it takes to ensure and maintain the freedom we all enjoy in America as well as other free worlds. To hell with him and may he rot away in hellish Russia for crying out loud. Icheoku is pissed that he did what he did and more pissed that he is even contemplating being allowed back in the United States of America, which he knowingly betrayed with intent to disparage it and cause it harm. But for our resilience, he would have succeeded.

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