Saturday, March 7, 2015


Icheoku says it is probably too late for grandpa Buhari to still be awake, arriving from Heathrow so late into the night, by 9.00pm? Anyone who has had the privilege of being around very advanced in age old people knows that they, like children, need to be put to bed very early; to enable them rest enough for the day's hard work and to recover enough for the next day. But unfortunately, the  minders of Muhammad Buhari were oblivious of this fact and seem to have forgotten this imperativeness by delaying his arrival so late or better still in not advising the first class cabin crew to pamper grandpa into sleeping while enroute Abuja from London. But hey, the good news is that Muhammad Buhari made it back to Nigeria vertically and did not come back home horizontally; and will fully recover and rebound from whatever fatigue that  weighted him down upon arrival.

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