Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Icheoku says Ukraine needs weapons to defend itself from the aggression of Russia and the West owes Ukraine, at minimum, the supply of those weapons without any more dithering.   Ukraine is not asking for boots of the West on their ground to help them fend off Russian aggression, no, they are merely asking for weapons to enable them defend itself from a clear aggression by an oversupplied and overwhelming Russia army, using the subterfuge of some eastern rebels. Icheoku says if Russia is supplying weapons to the other side and enabling the rebels to advance rapidly on Ukrainian territories; and the same Ukrainian people risked it all by making a bold democratic move of completely freeing themselves from all Russia vestiges and apron strings, and desiring to fully join the West, it is therefore immoral for the West to stand idly by and watch, while internationally recognized territories of Ukraine are gradually redrawn and decimated by an invading rebels supported by the Kremlin. What is the logic behindRussia could supply weapons to the rebels but the West doing so to Kiev would amount to escalation of conflict, when Russia has steadily escalated it.

Icheoku says the rebels advance thus far would not have been possible if not for Russian help, supplying them  weapons and logistics as well as cognizance and intelligence gathering. So if it is acceptable for Russia to aid and abet rebels who are ravaging a sovereign country, why is it not similarly acceptable for the said country to be able to help wade off or defeat such rebellion? At least Ukraine is not planning or going to invade or attack Russia with the supplied weapons; it will merely use them to secure their territorial integrity and retake already lost territories. Icheoku is convinced that but for the Russian help, those rebels would have since been routed by the Ukrainian military, which unfortunately now stands helplessly outgunned by a previously ragtag rebel with now Russian supplied advanced weaponry and superior military technical know-how and advisers.

Query: what does Ukraine then benefit from taking all the risk they took, thumbing their nose at Russia, if only to now wait and watch as their new foe Russian aided rebel make a mince meat of their sovereign territories, gulping it one square foot at a time and rapidly advancing towards Kiev?  What Ukrainians are asking for is not for NATO to put itself into the fray but to help them with weapons to defend their sovereign territories. So what is stopping Western countries but fear of the Russians; and you ask yourself wouldn't that be the same trembling argument should Putin's Russia decide to invade other former territories of the former Soviet Union that are now part of the new expanded West. 

Icheoku is of the opinion that the deathly afraid European countries would in similar manner argue for Russia to just take back what used to belong to them in order not to disturb the peace of Europe. In taking this position of weakness in the face of an aggressive Russia, the Europeans would have forgotten that peace is never free; it is never achieved nor possible without fighting for it; and to guard and protect it as enthroned, sometimes wars are a necessary continuum, whether cold or hot.  Icheoku maintains that the peace the Europeans are currently enjoying was once fought for and still requires periodic upgrading of training and weaponry to keep it, as well as for its defenders to be top heavy ready in case it is threatened.  So what if Russia is emboldened by the knee-jerk response of the West into asserting itself further, either more intrusively inside Ukraine and more closer to Kiev or by invading some other surrounding countries such as Poland? 

Icheoku says Russia has been probing NATO defenses all these years and is becoming more embolden each day in their quest to assert themselves once again in the world. It needs and must be stopped now; and inside eastern Ukraine, that is. There is no other better place to draw the line on the ground for Russia's latest show of strength than in eastern Ukraine, before they begin to gulp down other European countries towards reestablishing their long gone Soviet Union; and in the process, probably set the world on fire. Icheoku says this lingering contest of superiority between Russia and the West should be decided now, once for all. If they win us, we will learn to speak Russian; but if we win them, God bless their hearts for we shall saturate the land of the great tsars with McDonald's and Starbucks. 

Icheoku is of the opinion that the Ukrainian crisis gives NATO the greatest opportunity to actually put to test the reason for their existence. They should accept the gauntlet which Russia has technically thrown to them by supplying weapons to the rebels fighting an insurrection against a sovereign nation. If Russia reacts by furthering their incursion into Ukraine, then it should be accepted as a declaration of war and NATO should help Ukraine defend itself from Russia. If it results into a third world war, so be it; after all one is long overdue and it will surely help the world recover from its economic malaise, rebuilding destroyed infrastructures. 

Icheoku says if NATO does not and could not stand up to Russia now, when? Admitted that the purpose of its existence is to fight for one another member and Ukraine is only but a prospective member not covered by its charter; but what happens when a far much stronger country Russia is bulling a smaller and weaker neighboring country, Ukraine? Any lack of show of will by NATO would drastically compromise NATO standing in the eyes of Russia and this should be avoided at all cost. Further since the envisaged enemy for which NATO was originally formed was Russia, why not test NATO's capabilities now, using Ukraine as a trial run. But in any other event, if NATO turns a cold feet in the face of an emboldened and aggressive Russia, then that relic of the old cold war era has no more relevance and should therefore be allowed to go defunct. The thing to do under such circumstance is to JUST DISBAND THE GODDAMN ORGANIZATION and to their tents oh its members. 

Icheoku says it is also increasingly becoming very obvious that Russia and the West will never engage themselves in a shooting war, so why continue to maintain an aggressive postured organization that its charter on defense will never be invoked or activated or ever called to action. So just let North Atlantic Treaty Organization go and let there be peace on earth. Let the world thereafter channel its energy and resources towards fending off the new enemy - the emerging global Islamist terrorism; which is readying itself as the next big threat to confront the world and which is going to be indeed the real world scourge. Icheoku says the West should supply those weapons to Ukraine; Europeans should also man up and do the needful and not let Putin intimidate them into doing nothing or scurrying away with their tails tucked in between their legs. If Vladimir Putin does not want further escalation of the conflict, let him dry up the swamp of weapons supplies to the rebels and force them to the negotiation table in order to achieve a comprehensive lasting peace. But his current support of those rebels ravaging a sovereign neighboring country is both reprehensible and condemnable and should therefore not be tolerated any further.

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