Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Icheoku says it does not matter who you are or how high in the society you are placed; that your bank accounts are bursting at the seams or that your fleet of Bentleys or Ferraris and Rolls Royces are everyone's envy, it does not matter; once your cup is full and they catch you, boy would you pay with your life for your corrupt activities. The Chinese authority does not play when it says it fights corruption, hence anyone engaging in corrupt practices does so at the risk of his or life, billionaire or no billionaire and it also does not matter if you are a high ranking government official. 

The Chinese authority just executed their ninth billionaire within the past eight years, Mr Liu Han, alongside his younger brother Liu Wei and three other accomplice for corrupt offenses against the state. Liu Han was a former mining billionaire who collected very expensive cars, cigars and wrist watches as if they are mere toys, soon going out of production. But now he has reached the end of the road  of his life on a very fast lane, executed for all his shadiness. 

Icheoku does not know whether the supreme penalty is the best solution or the most effective way to fight corruption; or would completely confiscating every asset owned by such person and deeding it over to the state be more effective? Admitted some people would argue that such executions serves as deterrent to other intending perpetrators but it has not proved to stop corruption as people still dare take their chances. Icheoku however believes that completely impoverishing such corrupt persons would be a more effective deterrent than just putting them to death. But hey, at least everybody is treated equally under the said death penalty law - rich or poor, government official or the man on the street. Icheoku says this is what equality under the law really looks like as another billionaire could not purchase his life, not with all his billions.

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