Monday, February 2, 2015


Icheoku says United States of America's recurring political decimal, perpetual presidential candidate Mitt Romney, has spoken to his Nigerian counterpart Muhammadu Buhari. Responding to his rumored prospective run again for the US presidency, Mitt Romney debunked the rumor, stating that he is not going to run for office again because, according to him, "IT IS TIME FOR NEW FACES.' Icheoku says if only Muhammadu Buhari would listen and heed the advise that Nigerians are indeed tired and bored with a face that has been on the block for over thirty two odd years. 

Icheoku laments that when Nigeria is not a banana republic nor suffering from dwarfism that refused the emergence of  new leaders, this going back to recycle a 1983 Buhari for 2015 Nigerian presidency, will not say well about the country, especially to a world that still remembers that United States President Ronald Reagan and United Kingdom's Margret Thatcher were his contemporaries then; that Soviet Union was still in existence and that Nelson Mandela was still a prisoner in Robben Island when Buhari first ruled Nigeria. What kind of message would a 1983 Buhari mounting the leadership chair now in 2015 Nigeria send to a world that is almost getting tired of Nigeria's all motion and no movement nor meaningful traction with their progress. So with your votes Nigerians, please tell Muhammadu Buhari that you heard Mitt Romney very loud and clear and that you will help him move over. Icheoku says to Buhari please listen to Mitt Romney and move over! On February 14, 2015, VOTE GEJ.   

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