Sunday, February 1, 2015


Icheoku says every Nigerian who has a conscience is a Government Tompolo and Asari Dokubo in the defense of all oppressed minorities of Nigeria. Therefore, together we all must rise up and resist the current effort to intimidate and silence a people, who are merely protesting against their continued repression and oppression by the Hausa/Fulani internal colonialists of Nigeria. Icheoku says every Nigeria of goodwill should say no to Hausa/Fulani born to rule mentality; they should say no to TY Danjuma's lopsided apportionment of blame and unbecoming attack on the two Niger Delta freedom fighters; while keeping quiet when Northerners throw their own fiery rhetoric bombs. Icheoku says such impartiality has and should have no place in today's Nigeria. 

Icheoku maintains that the North is clamoring for unity of Nigeria because of their exploitation of the contraption as is presently skewed in their favor and not because of any love they have for anybody who is not one of them; so to hell with such debased unity that does not guarantee equality and equity to all. Icheoku says the North must be told the bitter truth that were the oil in their region, they would not tolerate any other Nigerian from benefiting therefrom but would have since gone their way with their oil. If in doubt look at how they destroy non Northern peoples' properties each time they riot while sparing their own people? 

Icheoku emphasizes that the only acceptable united Nigeria will be one where there is no place for an 'Animal Farm' sort of scaled social standing/status; and where the distribution of political power and resources are evenly spread across the board through every disparate nationalities no matter how few or large they may be. But in any event, if these people will not allow us to rule them, they should NEVER be allowed to rule us, NEVER AGAIN. They have killed enough of us already trying to keep us silent, but this time around, we shall say to them ENOUGH and if they want war let them have WAR. Ken Saro Wiwa was murdered by these perverts to keep him quiet and stop his agitation for a fairer society; ditto so many other victims of their vicious colonizing mentality that believes in absolute power including muzzling their perceived enemies into complete submission and subjugation to achieve this. Unfortunately, they have pushed their luck too far and have now awaken the consciousness of the oppressed; who having nothing to owe anymore, have decided to stand their ground and fight back. So to the TY Danjumas of Nigeria, Icheoku says do not question the resolve of a man pushed to the wall. On February 14, 2015 VOTE GEJ.

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