Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Icheoku says no matter the excuse or subterfuge, the scheduled election of February 14, 2015 MUST and SHOULD go on, regardless. There is never a time a polity fully vote in any election, so if the Boko Haram infested region is incapable of voting, their votes should be divided percentage wise between the parties using the pattern of voting in their closest neighbors for allocation. If INEC is not ready with the PVCs, they should improvise with other identifying cards for purposes of accrediting the voters. But Icheoku rejects any attempt to postpone the election as such would taint any result thereafter, no matter who eventually wins. So INEC should conduct the election as scheduled; moreso they had all the time in the world to get prepared and be ready for the election. Icheoku says HOLD THE ELECTION as scheduled on February 14, 2015, NO EXCUSES is acceptable to Nigerians as well as the International community.

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