Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Icheoku says to the many who ask what did the Biafran people expect from the government of then Nigeria in response to Biafran's aspiration to end the genocide being carried out against them which led them to secede from Nigeria, Icheoku says Biafran people expected the government of Nigeria to fight the war humanely but not with atrocious vendetta. It was supposedly a civil war, a conflict between supposed brothers and sisters; but when the Nigerian side converted it to a war of attrition and re-probative punishment, that was when they crossed the line. Icheoku says if the Nigerian side was indeed sincerely only trying to stop Biafrans from bolting away, they would have specifically targeted or directed their attack precisely against only the top echelon of the Biafra effort while sparring their defenseless citizenry and get it over with very quickly too. 

But no, they methodically and systematically exerted punishment; specifically and deliberately made the war to linger for too long in order to enable them 'mission accomplish' their genocidal objective. A more humane government, which was earnestly trying to pull her seceding citizens back into the common geography, would have quickly decapitated the headship of Biafra and then cajoled the Biafran people into happily and joyfully rejoining Nigeria again as fully reintegrated equal citizens without any prohibitive punishment, so many of which still lingers on till today. But to convert these people into haters in perpetuity of those connected with that war, by the way and manner they prosecuted that war and later failed in rehabilitation effort, smacks of a government which was not sincere in its initially stated objective of fighting the war. 

When they intentionally carpet bombed markets, schools, hospitals and hordes of Biafran refugees running for their dear lives and away from conflict theaters, killing hundreds of thousands of them in the process,  they crossed the line of decency. Icheoku says the Nigerian side passed judgment of vendetta on the entire Biafran people, regardless of age, sex and infirmities; and equally became the enforcing agents of their version of retributive justice on a whole Biafran humanity. They also denied food and medicine to starving women and children of Biafra including their pregnant women. Icheoku says the Nigeria side left the borders of humanity when they bombed hospitals and similarly slaughtered their captured and surrendered Biafran prisoners of war in their thousands of hundreds; and thus began their infamous genocide which till date, has pitted surviving Biafrans against the known architects of that war of infamy. 

Icheoku says when the Nigeria side massacred thousands of unsuspecting Asaba Igbo people at the end of the war, men and boys who were lured out of their various hiding places under the guise welcoming Muritala Mohammed, Muhammadu Buhari and other Nigerian army officers who were visiting Asaba, that was when they crossed the border line of being a civilized army. Then finally after the war, the same Nigerian supposedly victorious side, stole all the wealth of Biafrans, handing out only twenty pounds to each account holder regardless of how much millions of pounds they had stashed in their bank accounts prior to the war; that's when they transformed themselves into soldiers of fortune who pillaged Biafrans. Icheoku says when the same side declared no victor and no vanquished, but went ahead to and till today, treats the people of Biafra as war conquered and treating their natural resources as their own war spoil, that is when they tasked Nigeria's unity. 

When the Nigeria side declared the 3Rs of rehabilitation, reconciliation and reconstruction but went ahead and abandoned it, leaving the Biafran side completely devastated and deprived, a fate which they are still suffering till today, that was when they questioned the rational and reason de`tre of Nigeria's continuous existence as one entity. Icheoku says if indeed the Nigerian side sincerely did not want Biafrans to go out of love for them and not love for the natural resources of Biafran, which  they have selfishly appropriated to themselves only, why did they not embark on a Marshal-like Plan for Biafran at war end to help rebuild the devastation they intentionally wrought in Biafra-land? 

Now the same band of invading scoundrels are geared at forcibly preventing a former Biafran from his entitled second term presidency simply because he is a minority who shouldn't rule them in the first place? Icheoku says here again, the same people have yet crossed the line and are seriously questioning the co-existence of the disparate peoples that make up Nigeria. Two things: if they don't want us to rule them, they should not rule us; secondly, no Biafran in good conscience would vote for one of the architects of this genocidal war, especially one who has not found it in his heart of hearts to apologize for his role in that war; not necessary for fighting the war which as a soldier was his duty and job to so fight, but for the ruthless manner in which they waged it. Why carpet bomb schools, massacring innocent children who were not part of the war but merely trying to acquire Western Education which was and still is not regarded as dangerous in their own neck of the wood in Nigeria? Why massacre women who were just trying to hold the forte in the absence of their husbands and breadwinners who were engaged in the war effort? Why bomb baby Jesus laying innocently in the later when tons of bombs were dropped in churches, leveling them an sometimes with worshippers praying for the war to end? Why bomb market places as well as refugees running for their dear lives? 

Anyway, this is the beef Biafrans had with the then Nigerian side, especially the men who directed that evil machination against their supposed BIafran brothers and sisters who they wanted to bring back to Nigeria, may be as dead bodies only? So now you get it those who continuously question what does the Biafran people expect the Nigerian government to do faced with a seceding Biafra? This also forms the current near vitriol opposition to the presidential candidate of the APC, Muhammadu Buhari, a participant in that ungodly atrocity. This is why Icheoku and other sensitive Biafrans are so incensed at the insensitivity of the  APC in recklessly chosing Muhammadu Buhari as their presidential candidate; and now trying without ceasing and deceitfully too, to further rubbish our general psyche by forcing him on Nigeria as president? 

So readers, please understand that the struggle is not necessarily against the Hausa/Fulani or the APC as a party for that matter. No, some of us does not even care much about Jonathan, but strongly resent and reject the thoughtless choice of this man who has caused so much sorrow and tears amongst a people. Our effort is directed against the APC's insensitive thumping of their nose on these various sensitivities with their choice of Muhammadu Buhari. Icheoku once penned an article titled "APC, why not Rotimi Amaechi for presidential candidate" and meant it. Also many of us anti-Buhari activists would have, by extension, equally accepted Governor Kwankwaso or Abubakar Atiku as bona fide APC choice candidate for the presidential contest BUT definitely and certainly not Muhammadu Buhari. As with in every democracy, people should have choices of candidates to choose from but not the present dreg from the bottom of the sewer called Muhammadu Buhari. 

Icheoku asks the APC to seriously, leaving propaganda aside, share with Nigerians their clear road map of getting such a very loathed and highly divisive mongrel like Muhammadu Buhari into Aso Rock short of rendering the land waste trying?  What chance in hell of getting elected, does someone with such gargantuan baggage as Muhammadu Buhari stand come February 14, 2015 by a plurality of Nigerian votes? Almost every Biafran lost someone to either kwashiorkor or bullets or bombs or avoidable deaths. Some people did not know what happened to their beloved parents and grandparents including uncle and aunts as well as other relatives who were too old or too sick to run along  during the war and have no identifiable grave sites to once in a while say prayers for the repose of their souls; admitted so of them were devoured by hungry dogs and other beasts that took over desolate habitations. 

So people, it is not about an opposition candidate stand for election against an incumbent; no, it is about who that opposition candidate is. Icheoku says Muhammaud Buhari is a sadistic sicko, psycho and pathological maniac who drives joy in seeing others suffer from his torture. He did it before and there is no guarantee he would not do it again; after all at his very advanced age, he cannot learn anything new or better than what he is used to. This is the same man who previously destroyed a budding democracy in Nigeria and you wonder which manner of persons, walking straight on their two legs and privileged of having functioning brains in their heads, would ever contemplate accepting this very BUHARI as their elected president? Irrespective that some users of men have already anointed him as their presidential candidate for the sole reason of using him as a ladder to get to the low hanging fruits of Nigeria; but must Nigerians buy into this decrepitude person? 

But you know what, Icheoku is now already madly sad, merely thinking about this impending assault on Nigeria's general psyche, particularly the Biafran victims of Muhammadu Buhari involved genocide, to contemplate the funereal fog his "election" will throw on the polity.  So Nigerians, take a  look at Icheoku in the picture above, a victim of Muhammadu Buhari's homicidal war of acute starvation and please help Icheoku send a clear message to him, that the International Criminal Court at The Hague would be a preferred place to send him as an accused war criminal, but definitely not to Aso Rock as president of a free and democratic Nigeria. So on February 14, VOTE GEJ and in any other event or disposition, stay home; but please do not in otherwise get involved or partake in this evil genocide or encourage this maniacal despot secure a seal of approval of his awful past activities with your vote.

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