Monday, January 26, 2015


Icheoku says except that Nigerians will not listen, otherwise all the warning signs are there that a Muhammadu Buhari presidency is not what Nigerians need at this time. It would be an irreparable backward misstep for Nigerians to take now if they allow Muhammadu Buhari of the past generation to lead this new app-generation. Simply put, he is not a good fit for the job now, he cannot do it anymore and therefore should not be allowed to even try.

At least if Jonathan is not fast enough for NIgerians' liking, they should encourage him to move at a faster pace but not to embrace the non-alternative devil may-care that is Muhammadu Buhari who has the blood of Nigerians in his hand. Even Martin Luther King has now sent a telegram to Nigerians from the grave, warning Nigerians against embarking on this Buhari fantastical experiment. According to MLK, "if you cannot fly then run; if you cannot run walk; if you cannot walk crawl; but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." 

Icheoku says Nigerians, you have now heard from the King  of liberation theory himself that the mantra for Nigerians should and ought to be FORWARD EVER, BACKWARD NEVER. Buhari belongs to the past and should be left where he belongs, in Nigeria's rear-view mirror, period. This twenty first century does not need a twentieth century thinking grandpa to drive the agenda. Buhari is stale and Buhari is possibly afflicted with dementia; and a twenty first century Nigeria, desirous of moving forward, does not need such a Buhari; not now, not tomorrow and not the day after February 14 and not at any other future time whatsoever.  So on February 14, 2015, VOTE GEJ.

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